Isaiah 1:1-31

JEHOVAH'S ARRAIGNMENT OF HIS PEOPLE This chapter is general in character, and much of it (e.g. Isaiah 1:10) might refer to almost any period. This general character of the prophecy renders it especially suitable as an introduction, and may account for its position at the beginning of the book. It gi... [ Continue Reading ]

Isaiah 1:3

The unnaturalness of Israel's conduct is similarly contrasted with the behaviour of the animal creation, in Jeremiah 8:7.... [ Continue Reading ]

Isaiah 1:4

SEED OF EVILDOERS] i.e. consisting of evildoers (Isaiah 14:20). ARE CORRUPTERS] RV 'deal corruptly.' THE HOLY ONE OF ISRAEL] The use of this title is characteristic of Isaiah, and traceable to the impression made by the vision wherein he received his call and heard the seraphic 'Ter-Sanctus.' See In... [ Continue Reading ]

Isaiah 1:5

RV 'Why will ye be still stricken, that ye revolt?' etc. Why expose yourselves to further punishment? Read, 'Every head.. every heart.' The noblest parts of the body stand for the rulers and counsellors of the body politic.... [ Continue Reading ]

Isaiah 1:7

AS OVERTHROWN BY STRANGERS] lit. 'as an overthrow of strangers,' i.e. (_a_) as an overthrow wrought by strangers, or (_b_) as when strangers (whom God cares not for) are overthrown.... [ Continue Reading ]

Isaiah 1:8

COTTAGE.. LODGE] solitary huts where watchmen lived: cp. Lamentations 2:6 RV. The figures express isolation. Owing to the occupation and devastation of the country by invaders the city is left helpless.... [ Continue Reading ]

Isaiah 1:9

The cities of the plain had perished through lack of a righteous remnant (Genesis 18:24). The possession of such a remnant had proved the salvation of Judah.... [ Continue Reading ]

Isaiah 1:10

The rulers of Jerusalem are addressed as rulers of Sodom, and the nation as people of Gomorrah. Thus are emphasised both their wickedness and their peril: cp. Ezekiel 16:48. THE LAW OF OUR GOD] referring not to the written law, but to the divine teaching which follows, delivered through the prophet... [ Continue Reading ]

Isaiah 1:13

VAIN OBLATIONS] Not the offerings in themselves, but their hypocritical character is reprobated. INIQUITY] lit. 'nothingness,' 'worthlessness.'... [ Continue Reading ]

Isaiah 1:21

AN HARLOT] figuratively expressing the faithlessness, through its idolatry, of the nation which had been betrothed to God: cp. Exodus 34:15; Deuteronomy 31:16. JUDGMENT] i.e. justice, as in Isaiah 1:17.... [ Continue Reading ]

Isaiah 1:25

PURELY PURGE, ETC.] RM 'purge away thy dross as with lye,' lye, or potash, being used as a flux in purifying metals. TIN] i.e. alloy.... [ Continue Reading ]

Isaiah 1:27

WITH JUDGMENT.. WITH RIGHTEOUSNESS] i.e. (_a_) through the manifestation of God's justice and righteousness, or (_b_) through the justice and righteousness which the regenerate people exhibit. HER CONVERTS] i.e. those of her who return (to Jehovah).... [ Continue Reading ]

Isaiah 1:29

THE OAKS] mentioned as connected with idolatrous worship: cp. 2 Kings 16:4; 2 Kings 17:10. Sacred trees were supposed to be inhabited by a deity, to whom the worship was offered. The prophet indicates that such nature-worship will disappoint its votaries. The gardens] referred to as the scene of hea... [ Continue Reading ]

Isaiah 1:31

Read, 'And the strong' (i.e. the wealthy and powerful man) 'shall be as tow, and his work' (i.e. the idolatrous image) 'as a spark.' The meaning is that his sin will be the cause of his ruin.... [ Continue Reading ]

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