Isaiah 17:1-11

JUDGMENT ON SYEIA AND ISRAEL This section is headed,' oracle concerning Damascus,' but its subject is in fact wider; it treats of the impending ruin not only of Syria, but also of Ephraim, i.e. the kingdom of Israel (Isaiah 17:3). This connexion of Ephraim with Syria is best explained by the allianc... [ Continue Reading ]

Isaiah 17:2

THE CITIES OF AROER] This Aroer is probably the one in Gad (Joshua 13:25), and the reference is to the cities belonging to the kingdom of Israel on the E. of Jordan. Some ancient versions, however, read, 'the cities are forsaken for ever.'... [ Continue Reading ]

Isaiah 17:3

AND THE REMNANT, etc.] RM 'and the remnant of Syria shall be as,' etc. AS THE GLORY] explained in Isaiah 13:4, where it is shown that the glory of Israel shall pass away. 4-6. By three separate figures the gloomy prospects of Israel are set forth: (_a_) that of an emaciated body, Isaiah 17:4; (_b_)... [ Continue Reading ]

Isaiah 17:8

GROVES] Heb. _Asherim_ (RV). These were symbols of the Canaanite goddess Asherah. The symbol seems to have been a pole, treetrunk, or carved pillar (Deuteronomy 16:21; 2 Kings 21:7), erected near an altar (Judges 6:25). IMAGES] RV 'sun-images,' pillars dedicated to the sun-god.... [ Continue Reading ]

Isaiah 17:9

AS A FORSAKEN, etc.] RV 'as the forsaken places in the wood and on the mountain top, which were forsaken from before the children of Israel.' LXX, however, reads, 'forsaken places of the Amorites and the Hivites which were forsaken,' etc. The sense is that Israel shall be punished with a desolation... [ Continue Reading ]

Isaiah 17:10

ROCK] a title of Jehovah (Isaiah 30:29; Deuteronomy 32:4). SHALT THOU PLANT.. SHALT SET] RV 'plantest.. settest.' This is a metaphor of the foreign worships so carefully introduced.... [ Continue Reading ]

Isaiah 17:12

Read, 'Ah, the uproar of many peoples, which roar like the roaring of the seas; and the rushing,' etc. MANY PEOPLE] The Assyrian army was recruited from many nations.... [ Continue Reading ]

Isaiah 17:12-14

DISCOMFITURE OF THE ASSYRIANS A short prophecy, in which Isaiah foretells sudden disaster for the Assyrian invaders; it is parallel to Isaiah 14:24,; belongs to the same period. 12-13. The Assyrian hosts advance against Judah, but are suddenly dispersed in a single night.... [ Continue Reading ]

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