Isaiah 23:1-18

THE DOOM OF TYRE Tyre was a great mercantile centre of the ancient world, and at the time of the Hebrew monarchy chief state of Phœnicia, the parent of many colonies, and mistress of the Mediterranean. It is uncertain what siege of Tyre is here referred to; but see on Isaiah 23:13. 1-5. The news o... [ Continue Reading ]

Isaiah 23:1

Homeward-bound ships are greeted at CHITTIM (Cyprus) with the news that Tyre has fallen. SHIPS OF TARSHISH] Tarshish is probably Tartessus, in Spain; the expression denotes deep-sea ships.... [ Continue Reading ]

Isaiah 23:3

SIHOR] i.e 'black,' a name for the Nile (Jeremiah 2:18). RIVER] RV 'Nile.' Tyre reaped large revenues from Egypt by carrying her corn. _Is_.. is] RV 'was.. was.'... [ Continue Reading ]

Isaiah 23:4

STRENGTH] stronghold, i.e Tyre. Saying, etc.] The once busy quays are deserted, and the prophet pictures the city as a bereaved mother mourning her children.... [ Continue Reading ]

Isaiah 23:6

TARSHISH] Tartessus, in Spain. The Tyrians are bidden to seek refuge in their western colonies on the shores of the Mediterranean. Of these Phoenician colonies Carthage was the most famous.... [ Continue Reading ]

Isaiah 23:10

A RIVER] RV 'the Nile.' _There.._ STRENGTH] 'There is no girdle about thee any more.' The Tyrian colonies, released from all restraint, throw off allegiance.... [ Continue Reading ]

Isaiah 23:12

OPPRESSED] or 'defiled.' Tyre was no longer a virgin citadel. PASS OVER TO CHITTIM] Flight to Cyprus would not secure safety from Assyria.... [ Continue Reading ]

Isaiah 23:13

THIS PEOPLE, etc.] According to AV rendering, this v. describes the consolidation of the Chaldeans into a nation by the Assyrians. There is, however, no other record of this, and it is better to read, 'This people is no more; the Assyrian hath appointed it for the beasts of the wilderness' (i.e. mad... [ Continue Reading ]

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