The Doom of Tyre

Tyre was a great mercantile centre of the ancient world, and at the time of the Hebrew monarchy chief state of Phœnicia, the parent of many colonies, and mistress of the Mediterranean. It is uncertain what siege of Tyre is here referred to; but see on Isaiah 23:13.

1-5. The news of the fall of Tyre is spread.

6-9. Tyre must take refuge in her distant colonies, for her doom is purposed by Jehovah.

10-14. But even her colonies will afford no refuge, for the power of Phœnicia will be altogether broken. The fate of Chaldea serves as a warning of coming desolation.

15-18. After seventy years Tyre shall recover her commercial prosperity, but her gains shall be consecrated to Jehovah's service.

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