This people, etc.] According to AV rendering, this v. describes the consolidation of the Chaldeans into a nation by the Assyrians. There is, however, no other record of this, and it is better to read, 'This people is no more; the Assyrian hath appointed it for the beasts of the wilderness' (i.e. made it desolate): 'they set up their towers' (siegetowers), 'they overthrew the palaces thereof; he made it a ruin' (RV). The fate of the Chaldeans at the hand of the Assyrians is quoted as a warning for Tyre. Babylon, the Chaldean capital, was taken by the Assyrians in 710 and 703 b.c. (see on Isaiah 21:1). The present. prophecy accordingly should be dated between' one or other of those years and Sennacherib's invasion of W. Asia (701).

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