The prophet has passed in thought to the final convulsion of nature, and the manifestation of Jehovah's kingdom in all its glory.

The Coming Judgment and Establishment of Jehovah's Kingdom

The subject is the overthrow of a power hostile to God's people, with a description of the deliverance of the Jews and their future glory. The hostile power is not named, and the tone of the whole prophecy is so general that it is impossible to assign it to any occasion. With the anticipated overthrow of the enemy the prophet associates in thought Jehovah's final judgment of the world. Most modern scholars assign this whole section to a date later than the age of Isaiah, urging that (a) Isaiah's time does not afford a suitable occasion, (b) the literary style is unlike Isaiah's, and (c) some of the thoughts are characteristic of a later age, e.g. the conception of guardian spirits of earthly kingdoms (Isaiah 24:21), and the anticipation of a resurrection of God's people from the dead (Isaiah 26:19). In these particulars the section exhibits affinity with the book of Daniel (Daniel 10:13; Daniel 12:1). The wide and general expressions used in these Chapter s make it easier to apply the important spiritual teaching contained in them to God's people in every age.

Isaiah 24:1. The imminent judgment caused by man's guilt.

13-15. The result—the remnant praise Jehovah.

16-23. The judgments that precede the establishment of Jehovah's kingdom.

Isaiah 25:1. The hymn of those delivered when Jehovah's kingdom is set up.

6-8. The blessings of which Zion shall then be the centre.

9-12. The thanksgiving of the redeemed for the fall of Moab.

Isaiah 26:1. Another hymn of the redeemed.

5, 6. The ground of this thanks-giving,. the overthrow of the hostile city.

7-14. Jehovah's judgments teach the world righteousness and destroy oppression.

15-21. The wonderful revival of God's people.

Isaiah 27:1. Jehovah's care for His people.

7-11. Their sufferings are due to their own sin and folly.

12, 13. But restoration awaits them.

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