Isaiah 5:1

I] i.e. Isaiah. TO MY] rather, 'for my,' or 'of my.' The BELOVED, as appears later, is Jehovah: cp. our Lord's parable (Matthew 21:33). The allegory is rhythmical in form: cp. Song of Solomon 8:11.... [ Continue Reading ]

Isaiah 5:7

JUDGMENT] i.e. justice. OPPRESSION] perhaps better, 'bloodshed.' A CRY] i.e. of the oppressed. 8-10. Unjust seizure of land resulting in barrenness and want of population.... [ Continue Reading ]

Isaiah 5:10

BATH] about 8 gallons. AND THE SEED, etc.] RV 'and a homer of seed shall yield but an ephah.' An ephah is the tenth part of a homer, which was 10 or 12 bushels (Ezekiel 45:11).... [ Continue Reading ]

Isaiah 5:13

ARE GONE INTO CAPTIVITY] an example of the 'prophetic perfect.' The future is regarded as so certain that it is described as past.... [ Continue Reading ]

Isaiah 5:17

AFTER THEIR MANNER] RV 'as in their pasture.' So desolate will the cities be. STRANGERS] RM 'wanderers.' The meaning is that nomad tribes wander over the land at pleasure.... [ Continue Reading ]

Isaiah 5:23

Bribery and injustice. 25-30. The position of these vv. is doubtful. Very probably they should be connected with the prophecy, Isaiah 9:8 to Isaiah 10:4. In that section the closing words of Isaiah 5:25 occur four times as a sort of refrain.... [ Continue Reading ]

Isaiah 5:26

LIFT UP AN ENSIGN] i.e. as a signal to muster them: cp. Isaiah 11:10; Isaiah 18:3; Isaiah 49:22; Isaiah 62:10. NATIONS] i.e. those under the dominion of the Assyrian king and serving in his army. HISS] The metaphor is from collecting a swarm of bees (Isaiah 7:18).... [ Continue Reading ]

Isaiah 5:30

THEY SHALL ROAR AGAINST THEM] i.e. the enemies against God's people. ISAIAH'S PREACHING EARLY IN THE REIGN OF AHAZ Isaiah 2-4 are closely connected, and Isaiah 5 is generally thought to belong to the same period, though it probably represents discourses delivered rather later. There are two points... [ Continue Reading ]

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