They shall roar against them] i.e. the enemies against God's people.

Isaiah's Preaching early in the Reign of Ahaz

Isaiah 2-4 are closely connected, and Isaiah 5 is generally thought to belong to the same period, though it probably represents discourses delivered rather later. There are two points which serve as indications of date: (a) The influx of foreign fashions, both in religion (Isaiah 2:6; Isaiah 2:8) and in common life (Isaiah 3:16, where the difficulty of explaining the names for the various articles of female attire from the Hebrew suggests that the articles, like the names, were of foreign importation). (b) The weak and capricious character of the king and his advisers (Isaiah 3:12). These features point to the reign of Ahaz, who was an innovator in religion (2 Kings 16:2; 2 Kings 16:10), but in that case these Chapter s must be placed quite early in his reign, because we should gather from the mention of deep-sea ships (Isaiah 2:16) that Elath, the one seaport of the kingdom, was still in the possession of Judah, while we read in 2 Kings 16:6 that the Syrians captured it during the invasion by Rezin and Pekah.

Isaiah 2:2. Isaiah quotes a prophecy that the nations shall resort to Zion, and there learn true religion, with the result of universal peace.

5-9. Before this future can be realised, God's own people must trust in Him and forsake their idolatry.

10-22. The retributive judgment that is coming on the nation is described in detail.

Isaiah 3:1. The ruin of social order in Judah, traceable to the misconduct of the rulers, who shall be punished.

16-C. Isaiah 4:1. The sin and punishment of the ladies of Jerusalem.

2-6. The day of the Lord, though a day of judgment for the wicked, will prove a day of salvation for the faithful remnant.

Isaiah 5:1. Judah compared in a parable to an unfruitful vineyard.

8-24. The charge of bringing forth evil fruit is proved in detail.

[25-30. The coming invasion and dark prospect.]

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