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Israel's Restoration from Exile in Babylon

On the authorship and date of these Chapter s see Intro. According to their subject matter, they fall naturally into three divisions of almost equal length (Isaiah 40-48, 49-57,, 58-66), the close of each division being marked by an intimation that the wicked shall not share in the blessings promised to God's people.

The Servant of Jehovah

Isaiah 49:1. The Servant of Jehovah tells of His call and mission. Jehovah confirms the confidence of His servant.

14-26. Objections arising from little faith answered: (a) it cannot be that Zion is forgotten by Jehovah, as she thought (Isaiah 49:14); (b) the grasp of the captors is not too strong for Jehovah to release His people (Isaiah 49:24).

Isaiah 50:1. The people's banishment is not by Jehovah's will, and He is able to deliver them. The Servant of Jehovah declares the conditions of his work. The prophet's comment on the Servant's words.

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