Isaiah 59:5

COCKATRICE] RM 'adder.' HE THAT EATETH, etc.] i.e. the man who falls in with their plans is ruined thereby, and he who opposes them is confronted with a still greater danger.... [ Continue Reading ]

Isaiah 59:10

GROPE.. WALL] seeking guidance: cp. Deuteronomy 28:29. _We are_ .. DEAD _men_] RV 'among them that are lusty we are as dead men.'... [ Continue Reading ]

Isaiah 59:17

The attributes of Jehovah, which come out clearly in His interposition, are figured as His armour. St. Paul's imagery (Ephesians 6:14.) is based on this passage.... [ Continue Reading ]

Isaiah 59:19

WHEN.. AGAINST HIM] RV 'for he shall come as a rushing stream, which the breath of the Lord' (i.e. a strong wind) 'driveth.'... [ Continue Reading ]

Isaiah 59:20

REDEEMER] i.e. Jehovah, who is so called elsewhere: cp. Isaiah 41:14; Isaiah 43:1. This was fulfilled at Christ's first coming, when He was accepted by the faithful few in Israel. But St. Paul (Romans 11:26) applies the promise to the time when Israel, which did not accept the gospel, shall be resto... [ Continue Reading ]

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