Isaiah 6:1

THE YEAR THAT KING UZZIAH DIED] 740 b.c. See Intro. The prophet, when meditating perhaps on the condition of the nation and its gloomy prospects, is favoured with a vision of the glory of God. TRAIN] i.e. the skirts (RM) of his royal robes.... [ Continue Reading ]

Isaiah 6:1-13

THE PROPHET'S CALL This c., which recounts the prophet's call and commission, would stand first in a chronological arrangement of the book. The opening words remind us of the vision of Micaiah (1 Kings 22:19), and we should compare the visions of Jeremiah and Ezekiel which inaugurated their prophet... [ Continue Reading ]

Isaiah 6:2

ABOVE IT] RV 'above him.' THE SERAPHIMS] here only in OT. the word denotes supernatural beings, It is derived from the verb 'to burn,' and may simply indicate the fiery or glowing appearance of Jehovah's attendant angels (Ezekiel 1:13). Elsewhere, however, the same word stands for venomous serpents... [ Continue Reading ]

Isaiah 6:3

HOLY, HOLY, HOLY] The threefold repetition denotes emphasis or intensity (Jeremiah 7:4). It is significant that the title of Jehovah most characteristic of Isaiah's prophecies is 'the Holy One of Israel.' In the light of later revelation Christians have not unnaturally seen here a foreshadowing of t... [ Continue Reading ]

Isaiah 6:4

THE POSTS OF THE DOOR MOVED] RV 'the foundations of the thresholds were moved.' SMOKE] a symbol of the divine presence, as in Exodus 19:9; Exodus 19:18; 1 Kings 8:10; 1 Kings 8:11.... [ Continue Reading ]

Isaiah 6:5

LIPS] the pure praises of the seraphim made Isaiah think by contrast of his own sins of the lips. FOR MINE EYES HAVE SEEN, etc.] No man could see God and live (Exodus 33:20).... [ Continue Reading ]

Isaiah 6:8

FOR US] the plural in the mouth of God as in Genesis 1:26; Genesis 3:22; Genesis 11:7. Jehovah consults with the angels around His throne; similarly in Micaiah's vision (1 Kings 22:19 : cp. Psalms 89:7).... [ Continue Reading ]

Isaiah 6:10

The result of the prophet's preaching described as though it were the purpose. Most of his hearers will stubbornly reject his message, with the result that they will become dead to all impressions. THE HEART] regarded by the Hebrews as the seat of the understanding: cp. Hosea 7:11. CONVERT] RV 'turn... [ Continue Reading ]

Isaiah 6:13

RV 'And if there be yet a tenth in it, it shall again be eaten up: as a terebinth, and as an oak, whose stock remaineth, when they are felled; so the holy seed is the stock thereof.' The meaning is that the coming judgment is not a single one but a series. Yet as when an evergreen tree is cut down t... [ Continue Reading ]

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