Jeremiah 22:3

The reference is to the special crimes of Jehoiakim more fully stated in Jeremiah 36:13 : cp. 2 Kings 23:35. He oppressed his people in order that though paying tribute to Necho he might yet build himself sumptuous palaces. NEITHER SHED INNOCENT BLOOD] For his sins in this respect cp. Jeremiah 26:20... [ Continue Reading ]

Jeremiah 22:6

GILEAD, with its balm (Jeremiah 8:22) and its flocks of goats (Song of Solomon 4:1; Song of Solomon 6:5), and the forests crowning the highest parts of Lebanon, represent things that are most precious.... [ Continue Reading ]

Jeremiah 22:7

PREPARE] see on Jeremiah 6:4. THY CHOICE CEDARS] either the house of the forest of Lebanon (see on Jeremiah 22:6), or figuratively for the chief men of the state. 10-12. Lament for the fate of Jehoahaz.... [ Continue Reading ]

Jeremiah 22:10

WEEP YE NOT FOR THE DEAD] viz. Josiah. The sense is that even his fate (as slain at Megiddo) is preferable to that of his son and successor Jehoahaz (Shallum) carried into hopeless captivity in Egypt: see 2 Kings 23:29. Lamentations for Josiah came to be a fixed custom (2 Chronicles 35:25). 13-23.... [ Continue Reading ]

Jeremiah 22:15

CLOSEST _thyself_] RV 'strivest to excel,' rivalling Solomon with his cedar palaces instead of aiming at just rule. THY FATHER] Josiah.... [ Continue Reading ]

Jeremiah 22:18

AH MY BROTHER! OR, AH SISTER] The reference may be to a chorus of mourners male and female addressing themselves antiphonally. 18, 19. The capture and death of Jehoiakim are mentioned in 2 Chronicles 36:6; 2 Kings 24:6.... [ Continue Reading ]

Jeremiah 22:20

THE PASSAGES] RV 'Abarim,' a range of mountains in the SE. THY LOVERS] Egypt and the other nations whose aid Judah hoped for: see Jeremiah 27:3.... [ Continue Reading ]

Jeremiah 22:23

INHABITANT OF LEBANON] referring to the king and his nobles as dwelling in cedar houses. HOW GRACIOUS] RV 'how greatly to be pitied.' 24-30. Punishment of Jehoiachin.... [ Continue Reading ]

Jeremiah 22:24

CONIAH] so in Jeremiah 37:1 : called Jeconiah in Jeremiah 24:1, etc. The change of his name to Jehoiachin, as in the case of his uncle Jehoahaz (the Shallum of Jeremiah 22:11), was probably made on his accession to the throne. All three names mean, 'The Lord will establish.' SIGNET] emblem of royal... [ Continue Reading ]

Jeremiah 22:30

WRITE YE, etc.] addressed to those who kept his family registers. They are bidden to enter the fact now instead of waiting for his death. Even though he had children (1 Chronicles 3:17.) they were not to succeed to the throne. 'Whether childless or not Jehoiachin was the last king of David's line. H... [ Continue Reading ]

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