Write ye, etc.] addressed to those who kept his family registers. They are bidden to enter the fact now instead of waiting for his death. Even though he had children (1 Chronicles 3:17.) they were not to succeed to the throne. 'Whether childless or not Jehoiachin was the last king of David's line. His uncle, indeed, actually reigned after him, but perished with his sons long before Jehoiachin's death (Jeremiah 52:10).'

Jeremiah's Thirteenth Prophecy

A collection of short prophecies here forming one group, delivered, however, at various dates, and perhaps reissued with modifications from time to time to suit the needs of successive occasions.

Jeremiah 21:11 to Jeremiah 22:30 deal with the sins of succèssive kings, Jeremiah 23:1 give expression to Messianic hopes. Jeremiah 24:1 show by the figure of baskets of worthless figs the rottenness to which the state had been reduced under Zedekiah.

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