Jeremiah 29:1

PROPHETS] The exiles in Babylon had also false prophets, e.g. Ahab and Zedekiah (Jeremiah 29:21), and Shemaiah (of Jeremiah 29:24) among them. But they were on the whole of a better class (see Jeremiah 24:5), and the prophet might hope that his words would have more effect.... [ Continue Reading ]

Jeremiah 29:2

CARPENTERS] RV 'craftsmen.' 4-7. They are not to sit loose to the land of their exile, but to make homes for themselves there. Else they will soon dwindle away.... [ Continue Reading ]

Jeremiah 29:11

AN EXPECTED END] RV 'hope in your latter end.' 15-23. The exiles reply:—The prophets here tell us that we shall be delivered speedily. Jeremiah answers that their teaching shall soon be disproved by the overthrow of Jerusalem, and they shall themselves die miserable deaths.... [ Continue Reading ]

Jeremiah 29:17

VILE FIGS] cp. Jeremiah 24:2. The exiles would probably already know that prophecy. 24-32. On the arrival of Jeremiah's letter at Babylon, Shemaiah had written to Zephaniah, the acting high priest (Jeremiah 52:24) at Jerusalem, to have the prophet silenced as a madman. Jeremiah, having seen the let... [ Continue Reading ]

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