Jeremiah 30:5

OF FEAR, AND NOT OF PEACE] RM 'There is fear and no peace,' and the present circumstances are evil. There is nothing but fear and terror in the hearts and on the faces of men.... [ Continue Reading ]

Jeremiah 30:9

DAVID THEIR KING] the ideal Mng who, as coming of David's line, here receives his name. So in Ezekiel 34:23; Ezekiel 37:24. For David, meaning the line of kings of his house, see 1 Kings 12:16. 10-17. God will remember Israel in her affliction.... [ Continue Reading ]

Jeremiah 30:11

IN MEASURE, etc.] RV ' with judgment, and will in no wise leave thee.' 12-15. These vv. describe the present condition from which the nation shall be delivered.... [ Continue Reading ]

Jeremiah 30:13

THY CAUSE, THAT THOU.. MEDICINES] rather, join 'that thou,' etc., with what follows. 'For the closing up of thy wound there is no healing, no plaister.'... [ Continue Reading ]

Jeremiah 30:14

THY LOVERS] the nations that sought to ally themselves with thee: see Jeremiah 27:3 18-24. Jerusalem shall be restored to favour.... [ Continue Reading ]

Jeremiah 30:18

BRING] see on Jeremiah 30:3. TENTS] a name for dwellings generally, which was retained from nomadic times: cp. Jeremiah 4:20. REMAIN] RM 'be inhabited.' AFTER THE MANNER THEREOF] occupied by a Mag, and kept up suitably as aforetime.... [ Continue Reading ]

Jeremiah 30:21

NOBLES] RV 'prince,' a reference to the ideal king. OF THEMSELVES] no longer foreigners. ENGAGED HIS HEART] RV 'hath had boldness.' The new Mng will have close access to Jehovah. He will do His will, and rule in righteousness. And is not this to know the Lord? (Jeremiah 22:16). 23, 24. These vv. ar... [ Continue Reading ]

Jeremiah 30:24

CONSIDER] RV 'understand.' JEREMIAH'S SEVENTEENTH PROPHECY (REIGN OF ZEDEKIAH DURING THE SIEGE). ISRAEL'S HOPE Hitherto the general character of Jeremiah's prophecies has been gloomy. The whole tone of this section, on the other hand, is one of hopefulness, which is the more remarkable inasmuch as... [ Continue Reading ]

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