The multitude of No] RV 'Amon of No,'i.e. the god worshipped there. No] i.e. Thebes in Upper Egypt.

Prophecies Concerning the Nations

The custom of placing in a group, as here, prophecies against heathen nations is illustrated by Isaiah (Jeremiah 13-33), Ezekiel (Jeremiah 25-32), and Amos (Jeremiah 1:2). For the position of the prophecies at the end of the book as compared with that which they hold in the LXX, see Intro, and on Jeremiah 25:11. We may divide them thus:—(a) Jeremiah 46-49 (mostly of the fourth year of Jehoiakim). This section contains prophe-oies concerning Egypt and five other nations doubtless included in the roll of Jeremiah 36, with the exception of the second concerning Egypt (Jeremiah 46:14 : see note on Jeremiah 46:13) and of the last against Elam (Jeremiah 49:34 : first year of Zedekiah). These prophecies follow a natural order. Egypt is at the head as the nation whose over-throw by Nebuchadnezzar would be the signal to those others of a similar fate. We go thenc to Philistia (including Tyre and Sidon); then (passing round to the E. of Palestine) to Moab, Ammon, and Edom; then to Damascus, as representing the kingdoms of the North; to Kedar and Hazor, as indicating the kings mentioned in the summary of Jeremiah 25:24 while, lastly, the nations of the East are included under Elam.

(b) Jeremiah 50, 51 (of doubtful authorship). This prophecy concerning Babylon forms an appropriate conclusion to the series. The nations immediately bordering upon Palestine have had their fate foretold, and then the more remote. Now the empire which was to execute God's vengeance upon them is itself, declared to be destined in its turn to fall. See further, in intro. to Jeremiah 50.

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