Job 12:1-25

JOB'S THIRD SPEECH (JOB 12-14) The friends have said God is wise and mighty. Job replies, 'I know that as well as you. You infer that He is also righteous, but experience shows that His power and wisdom are directed to unrighteous ends.' But it is with God rather than with them that he wishes to ar... [ Continue Reading ]

Job 12:4

WHO CALLETH] RV '_A man_ that called.' Job complains that he, a servant of God, has become the subject of mockery.... [ Continue Reading ]

Job 12:5

RV 'In the thought of him that is at ease there is contempt for misfortune; it is ready for them whose foot slippeth.' An allusion to the way his friends treat him now that he is in trouble. How easy to despise the man who is down! 6. The wicked, on the other hand, seem to fare better than the good.... [ Continue Reading ]

Job 12:9

IN ALL THESE] among all these creatures. THE LORD] see on Job 1:21. HATH WROUGHT THIS] i.e. orders all things. 11, 12. 'I test your arguments as the palate tests its food; the aged are not necessarily wise.'... [ Continue Reading ]

Job 12:12

RM 'With aged men, _ye say,_ is wisdom.' Job is not stating his own views. 13-25. With God are wisdom and might, no one can reverse His actions. The mightiest are overthrown by Him, and He takes away the understanding of the wise.... [ Continue Reading ]

Job 12:13

WITH HIM] viz. God. Absolute power and wisdom are inherent in God, not acquired by pains and years as man acquires such power and wisdom as he possesses.... [ Continue Reading ]

Job 12:22

'The v. means that God through His wisdom sees into the profoundest and darkest deeps, and brings what is hidden to light' (Davidson).... [ Continue Reading ]

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