Job 36:1-38

THE WORK BEGUN. THE LIBERALITY OF THE PEOPLE Cp. 1 Chronicles 29:6; Ezra 2:68; Nehemiah 7:70. 8-38. The construction of the Tabernacle: see Exodus 26.... [ Continue Reading ]

Job 36:1-33

THE SPEECHES OF ELIHU (CONTINUED) 1-15. Elihu maintains the wisdom and impartial justice of the rule of God. His purpose is to discipline and improve men, even by their afflictions.... [ Continue Reading ]

Job 36:13

HYPOCRITES] RV 'godless.' HEAP UP WRATH] RV 'lay up anger'; they cherish rebellious feelings. THEY CRY NOT] in submission. The way the godless take God's chastening is contrasted with that of the righteous, Job 36:7.... [ Continue Reading ]

Job 36:15

RM 'He delivereth the afflicted by their afflictions, and openeth their ears by adversity.' Such are the effects of God's discipline when taken in the right spirit. 16-21. Elihu applies these remarks to Job, urging him to humble himself instead of remaining rebellious.... [ Continue Reading ]

Job 36:18

Render, 'For beware lest wrath lead thee away into mockery: neither let the greatness of the ransom (Job's sufferings) turn thee aside,' i.e. into rebellion.... [ Continue Reading ]

Job 36:21

INIQUITY] i.e. rebelliousness. 22- JOB 37:24. The wonders of the heavens testify to the majesty and unsearchableness of God. Let Job refrain from judging Him.... [ Continue Reading ]

Job 36:22

EXALTETH BY] RV 'doeth loftily in.' WHO TEACHETH LIKE HIM] This is Elihu's great point, that afflictions are intended to teach, to discipline, and to purify even the good.... [ Continue Reading ]

Job 36:23

INIQUITY] RV 'unrighteousness.' 26-37:13. Elihu illustrates the marvellous workings of God by a vivid description of a rising storm.... [ Continue Reading ]

Job 36:27

The formation of rain. RV 'He draweth up the drops of water which distil in rain from his vapour.' 29B. RV 'The thunderings of his pavilion'; i.e. of the clouds.... [ Continue Reading ]

Job 36:30

Render, 'Behold, He spreadeth His light around HIM, and covereth it with the deeps' (lit. 'roots') 'of the sea': see on Job 26:5 and cp. Psalms 104:2; Psalms 104:3. Modern scholars generally correct the text; some read with Duhm, 'Behold, He spreadeth His mist about Him, And He covereth the tops of... [ Continue Reading ]

Job 36:32

RV 'He covereth his hands with the lightning' (to conceal them): 'and giveth it a charge that it strike the mark.'... [ Continue Reading ]

Job 36:33

The present text is difficult. The vowel-points should probably be somewhat altered, and the v. should run, 'The noise thereof telleth concerning Him as one that kindles His wrath against wickedness.'... [ Continue Reading ]

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