Joel 3:1

IN THOSE DAYS, etc.] i.e. the period of the Day of Jehovah just mentioned. BRING AGAIN THE CAPTIVITY] restore the prosperity, a technical phrase for an epoch-making change: cp. Amos 9:14; Psalms 14:7; Job 42:10; Ezekiel 16:53.... [ Continue Reading ]

Joel 3:1-21

THE JUDGMENT OF THE HEATHEN AND THE GLORY OF ISRAEL A general judgment of all nations, for their mistreatment of Israel, is announced in the valley of Jehoshaphat (Joel 3:1). Tyre, Zidon, and Philistia, immediate neighbours of Israel, are arraigned for robbery and slave trade, and sentenced accordin... [ Continue Reading ]

Joel 3:2

VALLEY OF JEHOSHAPHAT] an ideal valley in the neighbourhood of Jerusalem, called JEHOSHAPHAT from the meaning of the name, 'Jehovah judges.' This prophecy probably occasioned the name (not traced earlier than 300 a.d.) of the modern valley of Jehoshaphat, S. of Jerusalem. 3. Captives of ancient war... [ Continue Reading ]

Joel 3:4

COASTS OF PALESTINE] RV 'regions of Philistia?' The question implies a protest against punishment by Tyre, etc. WILL YE RENDER, etc.] RM 'Will ye repay a deed of mine, or will ye do aught unto me? swiftly,' etc. Do you think to repay me a wrong which I have done you? or will you wrong me? In either... [ Continue Reading ]

Joel 3:5

MY SILVER, etc.] not necessarily from the Temple, but the property of the people was reckoned as Jehovah's. TEMPLES] i.e. palaces, the dwellings of the rich. 6. The Phœnicians (Tyre and Zidon) were famous as slave traders (Ezekiel 27:13; Amos 1:9). GRECIANS] Heb _Jevanim_, i.e. 'Ionians,' the name b... [ Continue Reading ]

Joel 3:11

ASSEMBLE YOURSELVES] RV 'Haste ye.' Jehovah also is to bring His heavenly hosts (Psalms 68:17; Psalms 103:20; Zechariah 14:5). 12. Jehovah now speaks announcing His advent for judgment. According to the NT. the advent of Jehovah is fulfilled in the first and second advents of Christ: cp. Matthew 25... [ Continue Reading ]

Joel 3:14

THE VALLEY OF DECISION] determination, judgment: the valley of Jehoshaphat (Joel 3:2; Joel 3:12). 15. Cp. Joel 2:10; Joel 2:31.... [ Continue Reading ]

Joel 3:16

ROAR] suggests the lion. HIS VOICE] the thunder: cp. Psalms 29. The figure is of a great tempest with the cry of the beast and thunder combined. SHAKE] cp. Joel 2:10. THE HOPE.. THE STRENGTH] RV 'a refuge.. a stronghold': cp. Psalms 14:6; Psalms 27:1; Psalms 31:4; Psalms 43:2; Psalms 46:1. The very... [ Continue Reading ]

Joel 3:21

FOR I WILL CLEANSE, etc.] Either the city will be cleansed from all bloodguiltiness, cp. Ezekiel 22:3.; Isaiah 4:4; Malachi 3:3 or, more probably, we must render, with RM, 'and I will hold as innocent their blood which I have not held as innocent,' i.e. the blood of Israel will be held to have been... [ Continue Reading ]

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