John 14:1-31

THE COMFORTER 1-31. The mansions in heaven. The mission of the Comforter. This great discourse, which is not easily susceptible of formal subdivision, deals with five main subjects: (1) the heavenly mansions; (2) Christ as the Way to the Father; (3) the mutual indwelling of the Father in the Son, a... [ Continue Reading ]

John 14:1

'Be not disquieted at My departure (see John 13:36). Have faith that I have the power to fulfil the promises that I now make to you.'... [ Continue Reading ]

John 14:2

MY FATHER'S HOUSE] i.e. heaven. MANY MANSIONS] RM 'abiding-places.' There are various degrees of glory in heaven, and various employments, suitable to the desert and capacity of each (Luke 19:16, etc.). The word used, which sometimes denotes a place of refreshment for travellers, is thought by Westc... [ Continue Reading ]

John 14:4

'You know whither I go, viz. to My Father in heaven; and you know how you also may follow Me, viz. by believing in Me.' But the RV has simply, 'And whither I go, ye know the way.'... [ Continue Reading ]

John 14:5

THOMAS] For the character of Thomas see John 11:16; John 20:25. Thomas expected an immediate manifestation of the Messianic kingdom on earth, and this prevented him from understanding Jesus. 6, 7. 'The Kingdom which I have come to reveal is not an earthly one; the mansions of which I have spoken ar... [ Continue Reading ]

John 14:6

NO MAN] It is important to remember that pious heathen, who have never heard of Christ, may and do find acceptance with God, through Him, whom, if they had known, they would have accepted as their Redeemer (Romans 2:14).... [ Continue Reading ]

John 14:7

HAVE SEEN HIM] not in His absolute nature, which is invisible (John 1:18), but in His character, which is revealed in My Person: see John 6:46, and John 14:9 below.... [ Continue Reading ]

John 14:8

Philip desired to see the eternal invisible Father as a distinct being beside the Son. He wished for a visible Theophany: cp. Exodus 24:10.... [ Continue Reading ]

John 14:12

GREATER _ivories_] The Apostles' work was more effectual than that of Christ Himself, because they were inspired by the Spirit of the Risen and Ascended Lord. Not till Christ had departed to the Father could the Spirit be fully given. 13. Not only is Christian prayer to be offered in the name of (i.... [ Continue Reading ]

John 14:14

Here, according to the reading of the RY, Christ teaches the disciples to pray directly to Himself, as well as to the Father in His Name. Examples of prayer to Christ are Acts 7:59; Acts 9:14; Acts 9:21; 1 Corinthians 1:2.... [ Continue Reading ]

John 14:16

ANOTHER COMFORTER] RM 'Advocate,' or, 'Helper.' Attractive, and suitable to the context, as the rendering 'Comforter' is, there can be little doubt that the true meaning of the Gk. _Paracletos_ is 'Advocate.' The Holy Spirit is represented as Christ's Representative on earth, carrying on His work, a... [ Continue Reading ]

John 14:17

SPIRIT OF TRUTH] He inspires what is good and true in conduct, and reveals what is good and true in doctrine. THE WORLD, ETC.] The experience of the Spirit is inward and spiritual: this the world cannot grasp. DWELLETH WITH YOU] viz. externally, by His presence in the Church. AND SHALL BE IN YOU] as... [ Continue Reading ]

John 14:19

BUT YE SEE ME] i.e. shall see Me, literally during the forty days, spiritually after Pentecost, when you shall enjoy communion with Me so deep and satisfying, that it will be better than sight. BECAUSE I LIVE] 'because I live' for evermore, 'and ye shall live' (RM) spiritually in Me. 20. AT THAT DAY... [ Continue Reading ]

John 14:22

JUDAS] called Thaddæus or Lebbæus (Matthew 10:3), is not the same as Jude the Lord's brother. He thought that Jesus was about to establish an earthly kingdom, and therefore to manifest Himself to the world. 23. Jesus, by adding that the Father also will come to believers, shows more clearly that it... [ Continue Reading ]

John 14:26

IN MY NAME] i.e. as My full Representative, endowed with all My powers, and with a mission to promote My cause in the world. HE (masculine, to show the Spirit's personality) SHALL TEACH YOU ALL THINGS] i.e. all saving truth, which it is necessary for you and your successors to know. Those who would... [ Continue Reading ]

John 14:27

PEACE] more exactly defined as 'My Peace,' is the peace of reconciliation with God through the Death of Christ. NOT AS THE WORLD GIVETH] This peace is not mere earthly joy and prosperity: it is a removal of all elements of discord from the soul.... [ Continue Reading ]

John 14:28

AND COME _again_] i.e. in the coming of the Spirit. FOR MY FATHER IS GREATER THAN I] 'Rejoice that I go to My Father, for it is good both for Me and for you. He will exalt Me to supreme authority over the universe, enable Me to dispense the Holy Spirit, and cause My work to prosper in your hands.'... [ Continue Reading ]

John 14:30

HEREAFTER, etc.] rather, 'No longer will I speak much with you,' because time will not allow it. THE PRINCE] i.e. Satan, who, through the powers that be, works his will on Jesus: cp. John 12:31. HATH NOTHING IN ME] i.e. hath no power over the Sinless One.... [ Continue Reading ]

John 14:31

BUT I GO FORTH TO MEET My death THAT THE WORLD MAY KNOW, etc. ARISE, LET US GO HENCE] On account of these words, some plausibly (but without sufficient authority), wish to place this chapter after John 16. The discourses which follow (John 15:16; John 15:17) were delivered either (1) standing at the... [ Continue Reading ]

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