Another Comforter] RM 'Advocate,' or, 'Helper.' Attractive, and suitable to the context, as the rendering 'Comforter' is, there can be little doubt that the true meaning of the Gk. Paracletos is 'Advocate.' The Holy Spirit is represented as Christ's Representative on earth, carrying on His work, and inspiring and strengthening His disciples to fulfil their vocation. As Christ's 'Advocate' he pleads Christ's cause in the hearts of the disciples, and appeals also to the better conscience of 'the world,' convicting the world of sin, of righteousness, and of judgment (John 16:8). He inspires believers with the spirit of prayer, and, when they pray, 'Himself maketh intercession for us with groanings which cannot be uttered' (Romans 8:26). To His guidance the disciples are to resign themselves with implicit confidence, for He is the Spirit of Truth. He guides, not so much as an external authority, as an inward light shining in the heart—an interior monitor regulating the secret springs of character. In His coming, Christ also returns to earth, to dwell in the hearts of believers by faith; but yet He must not be altogether identified with Christ, for He is 'another' Comforter. The functions of the Comforter sufficiently attest His divinity.

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