His mother, etc.] According to the AV and RV, only three women are named, but most modern critics hold that four are intended. Translate, therefore, 'His mother, and His mother's sister' (i.e. Salome, the mother of the evangelist); 'and Mary the daughter of Clopas, and Mary of Magdala': see further on Matthew 27:56. The wife of Cleophas (RV 'Clopas')] A more probable rendering is,' the daughter of Clopas.' Nothing is known of this Clopas, who (for reasons which cannot be fully given here, but which are accepted by most recent critics) is not to be identified with the Alphæus of Matthew 10:3, or with the Cleopas of Luke 24:18. Clopas is a contraction of Cleopatros. For the view, now generally abandoned, that 'Mary of Clopas' was the mother of our Lord's 'brethren,' see the detached note on Matthew 12:46.

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