Joshua 20:1-9

THE APPOINTMENT OF CITIES OF REFUGE The allotment of the tribal inheritance is followed by the appointment of six cities of refuge previously provided and in part assigned by Moses, according to the terms of the Sinaitic law concerning manslaughter: cp. Exodus 21:13; Numbers 35:6. These are enumerat... [ Continue Reading ]

Joshua 20:3

UNWITTINGLY] manslaughter, as we should say, as distinct from murder. See the elaborate rules and distinctions drawn out in Numbers 35:16. Note that this is not the ordinary, almost universal, principle of 'Sanctuary,' by which any criminal whatsoever could claim the protection of some holy place, a... [ Continue Reading ]

Joshua 20:9

UNTIL HE STOOD BEFORE THE CONGREGATION] The purpose is to provide every homicide a fair trial: see Numbers 35:12; Numbers 35:24. If he is found guilty of murder, the City of Refuge is no sanctuary to him; if only of manslaughter (cp. Joshua 20:6), it is a safe asylum to him till the death of the hig... [ Continue Reading ]

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