Judges 12:1-15

THE EPHRAIMITES QUARREL WITH JEPHTHAH. HIS DEATH 1-6. Jephthah and Ephraim. Once more the members of the leading tribe find themselves left out of the victory, and complain: cp. Judges 8:1; Jephthah deals with them differently from Gideon.... [ Continue Reading ]

Judges 12:4

Jephthah now makes use of the headship promised him in Judges 11:11. The second part of the v. is unintelligible. As it stands, it refers to some further taunt of the Ephraimites. But 'fugitives' means, in the original, 'survivors': and the Gileadites are regarded in the genealogies as an offshoot o... [ Continue Reading ]

Judges 12:5

THE PASSAGES] RV 'fords.' Ephraim had invaded Gilead, and the Gileadites took advantage of a dialectical peculiarity to identify every Ephraimite fugitive. Some exaggeration of numbers seems indisputable. 8-15. The Minor Judges, Ibzan, Elon, Abdon.... [ Continue Reading ]

Judges 12:11

ELON] in Numbers 26:26 the name of a clan; possibly in the cases of IBZAN and ABDON also the hero and his family are confused.... [ Continue Reading ]

Judges 12:15

PIRATHON] Possibly the modern Ferata, SW. of Shechem. AMALEKITES] Probably the Amalekites had made a settlement in Mt. Ephraim.... [ Continue Reading ]

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