Lamentations 5:1-22

ZION'S EARNEST PETITION FOR DELIVERANCE This final poem is not so much an elegy as a prayer or meditation. The tone is more calm and spiritual than the others, with no trace of vindictiveness. The poet, speaking for the people, 'will have God know everything.' Though divided into 22 vv., it is not... [ Continue Reading ]

Lamentations 5:1

REMEMBER, O LORD] Like the initial sentences of the other poems, the opening words strike the key of what follows. The poet is about to pray, so he secures first of all God's attention.... [ Continue Reading ]

Lamentations 5:3

OUR MOTHERS _are_ AS WIDOWS] i.e. without protection and support. 5 OUR NECKS _are_ UNDER PERSECUTION] RV 'our pursuers are upon our necks.'... [ Continue Reading ]

Lamentations 5:7

AND WE HAVE BORNE THEIR INIQUITIES] not in contradiction to Jeremiah 31:29; Ezekiel 18:2, nor that they were not themselves great sinners, for Ezekiel 18:16 shows that they acknowledged they were, but that the nation's guilt extended back into the past. Ideal Zion, like Christ, was to 'be made perfe... [ Continue Reading ]

Lamentations 5:8

SERVANTS HAVE RULED OVER US] Babylonian satraps were often simply house-hold favourites, promoted by the king to posts of honour, such as the headship of the wretched remnant of Judah (Jeremiah 39:3).... [ Continue Reading ]

Lamentations 5:9

WE GAT] RV 'We got,' lit. 'we bring in.' BECAUSE OF THE SWORD OF THE WILDERNESS] alluding to the raids of the Bedouins, who may have fallen upon the remnant in their attempts to snatch a little food.... [ Continue Reading ]

Lamentations 5:12

HANGED UP BY THEIR HAND] The Assyrian custom was to impale bodies after death in order to expose them to the most utter contempt possible (Deuteronomy 21:23; 1 Samuel 31:10).... [ Continue Reading ]

Lamentations 5:16

THE CROWN IS FALLEN _from_ OUR HEAD] a figurative expression conveying the thought that Zion has lost her dignity of statehood. WOE UNTO US, THAT WE HAVE SINNED] a distinct confession on the part of the people, and the effect desired has been obtained.... [ Continue Reading ]

Lamentations 5:17

FOR THIS.. FOR THESE _things_] loss of nationality and present distress respectively. 19-22. A final appeal to Jehovah to remove Zion's reproach. The book closes with a majestic apostrophe to Jehovah.... [ Continue Reading ]

Lamentations 5:21

TURN THOU US UNTO THEE] The poet realises that they cannot turn themselves. The doctrine clearly is that repentance is of grace. It is useless simply to resolve to turn (Jeremiah 31:18).... [ Continue Reading ]

Lamentations 5:22

BUT] RV 'unless,' which is better; for that Jehovah has utterly rejected Zion is to the poet unthinkable. The tone of the v., however, is so melancholy that in some MSS Lamentations 5:21 is repeated; so that, in reading the roll in the synagogue, the book might end more hopefully. The Jews delighted... [ Continue Reading ]

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