The Question of Divorce. The Rich Young Man

1, 2. End of the Galilean ministry. The Peræn ministry begins (Mark 10:1; Luke 9:51 cp. Luke 17:11). The time was now late summer of 28 a.d. The Passion was less than six months distant. Jesus finally left Galilee, and entered upon what is generally called the 'Peræan ministry,' the scene of which was partly Peræa beyond Jordan, a district extending, roughly, from the Sea of Galilee to the Dead Sea, and partly Jerusalem and Judæa. To this period must be assigned a visit to Jerusalem at the Feast of Tabernacles (September), John 7:2 another at the Feast of Dedication (December), John 10:23 also the mission of the Seventy, and many of the incidents in the great section peculiar to St. Luke's Gospel (Luke 9:51 to Luke 19:28).

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