1. God's approval, not man's, to be sought in all our actions. Jesus
does not say that we are to do good expecting no reward of any kind,
but that we are to look for our reward to God alone: see on Matthew
6:4. THAT YE DO NOT YOUR ALMS] RV 'your righteousness.' T... [ Continue Reading ]
A TRUMPET] There was a trumpet in every synagogue, which was sounded
on various occasions (e.g. at the beginning of the sabbath and at
excommunications), not, however, so far as we know, at the collection
of alms. The expression is, therefore, probably a metaphor for
'ostentation.' HYPOCRITES] In cl... [ Continue Reading ]
LET NOT THY LEFT HAND] A metaphor for secrecy. Yet alms need not on
all occasions be secret (cp. Matthew 5:16, 'Let your light so shine
before men,' etc.), provided that ostentation be avoided. The best
Jewish thought strongly approved of alms done in secret. In the Temple
was 'the treasury of the s... [ Continue Reading ]
REWARD THEE OPENLY] RV omits OPENLY. The reward will take place at the
Day of Judgment, when the secrets of all hearts shall be disclosed.
Yet even in this life there is the reward of a good conscience, and of
God's approval.... [ Continue Reading ]
TO PRAY STANDING] Standing was the usual Jewish attitude in prayer, as
kneeling is with us. In prayer a Jew usually (1) stood, (2) turned
towards Jerusalem, (3) covered his head, (4) fixed his eyes downwards.
The ancient Church prayed standing on Sundays and festivals, but
kneeling on fast-days, and... [ Continue Reading ]
MAXIMS FOR PRAYER, AND THE LORD'S PRAYER. Perhaps the most significant
v. of this section is Matthew 6:8, 'Your Father knoweth what things ye
have need of, before ye ask him.' Christians, therefore, are not to
pray mainly with the object of bringing their needs before God who
knows them already, but... [ Continue Reading ]
INTO THY CLOSET] RV 'into thine inner chamber': cp. Isaiah 26:20; 2
Kings 4:33. There is no disparagement here of public worship, which
our Lord elsewhere emphatically commends by precept and practice. But
private prayer affords a test of sincerity which public worship does
not. SHALL REWARD THEE OP... [ Continue Reading ]
USE NOT VAIN REPETITIONS] Our Lord reproves not repetitions, but
_vain_ repetitions. In the agony in the garden He Himself prayed three
times in the same words. Vain repetition reaches its culminating point
in Thibet, where there are mechanical prayer-wheels worked by the wind
to spread out written... [ Continue Reading ]
Prayer is not to inform God of our needs, as the heathen think, but
that we may have conscious communion with Him as His children.... [ Continue Reading ]
AFTER THIS MANNER THEREFORE PRAY YE] Our Lord is not giving simply an
illustration of the manner in which Christians ought to pray, but a
set form of words to be learnt by heart and habitually used. This is
clear from Luke 11:1, 'Lord, teach us to pray, as John also taught his
disciples.' Every Jew... [ Continue Reading ]
'treasure in heaven'? Whenever we give alms (Matthew 6:2), or pray
(Matthew 6:5), or fast (Matthew 6:16), to please God rather than man.
But these three examples are only introduced to prepare the way for
the wider principle that in e... [ Continue Reading ]
THY KINGDOM COME] A glorious prayer of infinite scope, known also, yet
not in its full sense, to the Jews, who held it for a maxim that 'That
prayer, wherein is not mentioned the kingdom of God is no prayer at
all.' 'Thy kingdom come' means, May justice triumph over injustice,
truth over error, kind... [ Continue Reading ]
GIVE US THIS DAY OUR DAILY BREAD] We are not taught to pray for bread
for many days, but for one day, God thereby reminding us of our
continual dependence upon Him. Nor are we taught to pray for luxuries,
but for bread, i.e. for necessary food, shelter, clothing, and health.
We pray also for bread f... [ Continue Reading ]
have forgiven our debtors.' No one who has not forgiven his enemies
can pray the Lord's Prayer, which is another proof that it is meant
for Christians alone. To forgive one's enemies is the act of a
Christian, and the very opposite o... [ Continue Reading ]
AND LEAD (RV 'bring') US NOT INTO TEMPTATION] God does not Himself
tempt (James 1:13), but He allows us to be tempted, and what God
permits is often spoken of in Scripture as His act. The temptations
here spoken of are not only the direct assaults of the evil one, but
the trials and sorrows of life... [ Continue Reading ]
DISFIGURE THEIR FACES] viz. with ashes, or perhaps, 'conceal their
faces with a veil': see 2 Samuel 15:30; Esther 6:12.... [ Continue Reading ]
PRECEPTS FOR PRIVATE FASTS (not in St. Luke). Our Lord says nothing of
public fasts, because when every one else is fasting there is little
temptation to vainglory. In our Lord's time there were not more than
five (or six) public fasts (see below), but the strict Jews,
especially the Pharisees, were... [ Continue Reading ]
ANOINT] This may mean 'Anoint thy head as for a banquet,' but
anointing was a common practice at all times.... [ Continue Reading ]
SHALL REWARD THEE OPENLY] RV 'shall recompense thee.'
19-34. These vv. are not very closely connected, but they form a kind
of unity, and are printed as a single paragraph in RV. They deal with
excessive care for earthly things: (_a_) wealth, Matthew 6:19; (_b_)
food and raiment, Matthew 6:25. For... [ Continue Reading ]
MOTH AND RUST] Wealth in Eastern lands is largely stored and hoarded.
Much of it consists of costly changes of raiment, which are liable to
the attacks of moths. BREAKTHROUGH] lit. 'dig through,' viz. the wall
of the house, which was often only built of clay.... [ Continue Reading ]
FOR WHERE YOUR TREASURE IS, etc.] see Luke 12:34. The heavenly
treasure is the approval of our heavenly Father, which is represented
as wealth stored up in heaven, ready to be enjoyed hereafter. The
earthly treasure is not only wealth (though that is its most striking
exemplification), but everythin... [ Continue Reading ]
THE LIGHT] RV 'the lamp.' THE BODY] In the parable the 'body' stands
for the soul of man. THINE EYE] i.e. thy conscience.
SINGLE] i.e. seeing things in their true light.... [ Continue Reading ]
11:34; Luke 16:13). The connexion of thought is—How can we be sure
that we are laying up treasure in heaven, and acting simply and purely
for the glory of God? Our Lord replies: By paying attention to our
consciences, and keeping... [ Continue Reading ]
TWO MASTERS] It is a common idea that virtue shades off into vice by
imperceptible gradations, and that the majority of men are neither bad
nor good. Our Lord pronounces absolutely that in the last resort there
are only two classes of men, those who are serving God, and those who
are serving the wor... [ Continue Reading ]
TAKE NO THOUGHT] RV 'be not anxious': cp. 1 Peter 5:7.... [ Continue Reading ]
worldly man is oppressed with care. He is always in fear that his
deep-laid plans for the future will miscarry, that some object that he
loves will be torn from his grasp, that his wealth will vanish, or
that his health will fail so tha... [ Continue Reading ]
THEY SOW NOT] God provides for the birds without labour on their part,
because labour is not natural to birds. But labour is natural to men,
therefore God provides for men by blessing their labour. There is a
close rabbinical parallel to this saying: 'Have you ever seen beast or
fowl that had a work... [ Continue Reading ]
Since no one would literally desire to have a cubit (a foot and a
half) added to his stature, and the word translated 'stature'
generally means 'age' (see RM), it is better to translate, 'Which of
you.. can add one span to his age... [ Continue Reading ]
TAKE YE THOUGHT] RV 'are ye anxious.'... [ Continue Reading ]
INTO THE OVEN] Dried grass is used in the East for heating the baking
ovens, which are holes in the ground rather more than 3 ft. deep and
2½ ft. wide, shaped like a jar. The walls are cemented to resist the
action of fire. Grass is burnt in the ovens, until they are thoroughly
hot. Then dough rolle... [ Continue Reading ]
TAKE NO THOUGHT] RV 'Be not anxious.' Our Lord regarded cheerfulness
and joy, and the absence of care and anxiety, as the mark of a true
Christian who puts his trust in God. Similarly the rabbis said, 'There
is enough of trouble in the very moment.'... [ Continue Reading ]