He is slow to anger, and great in power, yet He will not absolve the guilty, etc.

The Lord hath his way] 'The meaning is not so much that Jehovah uses the whirlwind and storm as the vehicle of His movement as that these commotions and terrors in nature are created by His presence. The splendid words clouds are the dust of his feet, like the others, “the earth is His footstool,” need to be conceived not explained' (A.B. Davidson). The doings of God in history (Psalms 114) and His appearances in nature's most awful moods are mingled in this sublime description of His irresistible strength and impetuous fury.

7-15. Jehovah will completely destroy the enemies of His people.

7. Bead, 'Jehovah is good towards those who hope in Him. A stronghold in the time of need.' An everlasting truth, but particularly appropriate in times of great shaking: cp. Psalms 25:3; Psalms 37:9. In the following vv. the text is difficult; if we follow AV we must find a reference to Nineveh.

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