Nehemiah 9:1-38

THE RENEWAL OF THE COVENANT 4. Stairs] lit. 'ascent': probably the pulpit of wood mentioned in Nehemiah 8:4. BANI.. BANI] One of the two names is probably an error for 'Binnui': cp. Nehemiah 12:8.... [ Continue Reading ]

Nehemiah 9:6

THOU, etc.] Before this LXX inserts 'And Ezra said.' The prayer that follows first recalls God's early mercies to the nation, the unworthy return made for such, the divine forbearance, the people's renewed offences, and their consequent punishment; it next acknowledges the justice of the chastisemen... [ Continue Reading ]

Nehemiah 9:7

DIDST CHOOSE] The religious privileges enjoyed by Israel could only be ascribed to the free grace of God, and such privileges carried with them corresponding responsibilities. The same is true of the advantages, material or intellectual, possessed by other peoples.... [ Continue Reading ]

Nehemiah 9:32

THE KINGS OF ASSYRIA] The kings of Assyria that distressed Israel were Shalmaneser II (to whom Jehu paid tribute), Tiglath-pileser (2 Kings 15:29), Shalmeneser III and Sargon (2 Kings 17:5), Sennacherib (2 Kings 18:19), and perhaps Asshurbanipal (2 Chronicles 33:11). UNTO THIS DAY] The rule over Isr... [ Continue Reading ]

Nehemiah 9:38

AND BECAUSE OF ALL THIS] RV 'and yet for all this.' WE MAKE A SURE _covenant_] The original covenant between Israel and the Lord made at Sinai (Exodus 24) had been renewed by Hezekiah (2 Chronicles 15:12) and Josiah (2 Chronicles 34:30): cp. also Ezra 10:3. SEAL _unto it_] lit. (and the names of) 'o... [ Continue Reading ]

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