The king's high way] Edom lay on the direct route connecting Egypt with Babylonia. The king's way here, however, is not a proper name, but signifies the most direct route. They promised not to trespass or injure the country in passing through it.

22-29. Death of Aaron. Turning southward so as to go round the country of the Edomites by way of the N. end of the Gulf of Akaba (see Numbers 21:4), the Israelites reach Mt. Hor. Here Aaron dies and is buried. Mt. Hor is identified by most travellers with a precipitous mountain nearly 5,000 ft. high, forming the principal elevation in the range of Mt. Seir. The wonderful rock city of Petra (or Sela), the capital of Edom, lay at its eastern base. A small mosque on the summit now marks the traditional site of Aaron's burial-place.

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