Numbers 25:1-18

IDOLATRY AND IMMORALITY OF THE ISRAELITES AT SHITTIM. THE ZEAL OF PHINEHAS 1-5. The Israelites, who have just been exhibited as proof against enchantments, are not able to resist the temptations to idolatry, and its connected sin of immorality, arising from their proximity to the tribes of Moab and... [ Continue Reading ]

Numbers 25:4

THE HEADS] the ringleaders. HANG THEM UP] Some shameful form of execution, followed by impalement: see on Deuteronomy 21:22. 6-18. The zeal of Phinehas in slaying with his own hand an Israelite and his Midianitish concubine is rewarded with the promise of the permanence of the priesthood in his fam... [ Continue Reading ]

Numbers 25:8

There is no previous mention of a plague having broken out, and the word can hardly apply to the slaughter in Numbers 25:5. We are here dealing with a separate incident.... [ Continue Reading ]

Numbers 25:11

ZEALOUS FOR MY SAKE] lit. 'jealous with my jealousy.' God, as the Redeemer of Israel, has a special claim upon their reverence and affection. When they turn to other gods His love is wounded, and He is jealous with a holy jealousy: see on Exodus 20:5.... [ Continue Reading ]

Numbers 25:13

AN EVERLASTING PRIESTHOOD] Phinehas succeeded to the high priesthood after his father's death (Judges 20:28), and the succession remained in his family till the time of Eli, wheh it passed for some reason to the house of Ithamar. Solomon, however, restored the high priesthood to the descendants of P... [ Continue Reading ]

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