The half tribe of Manasseh is not said to have made any request similar to that of the Reubenites and Gadites; but, seeing that they had been specially engaged in the conquest of Gilead (Numbers 32:30), a place was assigned to them also in that district: cp. Deuteronomy 3:13.

34-42. These vv. are inserted here by way of anticipation. The building, or rather the repairing of these cities, for some of them at least are mentioned as already existing (Numbers 21:30; Numbers 33:8), took place after the conquest of Canaan: cp. Numbers 32:41 with Judges 10:3; Judges 10:4. In Joshua 22:1 we read that, after fulfilling their promise, the two and a half tribes were dismissed to their inheritance by Joshua with his blessing. Owing to their position on the eastern frontier of the holy land they were the first to be carried into captivity by the king of Assyria (1 Chronicles 5:26), so that it was not an unmitigated advantage to them to obtain this fertile district.

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