Numbers 8:1-26

THE LIGHTING OF THE GOLDEN LAMPS. THE CONSECRATION OF THE LEVITES 1-4. See on Exodus 25:31; Exodus 27:20; Exodus 27:21. 5-26. This is the fulfilment of the injunetion in Numbers 3:5 to Numbers 13:7. WATER OF PURIFYING] RV 'of expiation.' This ceremonial cleansing symbolised the inward purity requi... [ Continue Reading ]

Numbers 8:16

The Levites are accepted as the substitutes in the service of the tabernacle for the firstborn among the children of Israel, who are now redeemed by a money payment of five shekels: see Exodus 13:13 and cp. Numbers 18:15; Numbers 18:16.... [ Continue Reading ]

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