Proverbs 24:7

When put on his trial 'in the gate' of the city, where public business was usually transacted, he has nothing to say (Matthew 22:12).... [ Continue Reading ]

Proverbs 24:10

Adversity is sent to bring out your strength: if you are slack and irresolute in the day of trial you are proved to be a weakling. 11, 12. Do not seek to evade your responsibilities (Genesis 4:9; James 4:17). 13, 14. Wisdom is as sweet as honey.... [ Continue Reading ]

Proverbs 24:20

CANDLE] RV 'lamp' (Proverbs 31:18). 21, 22. Take no part in conspiracies and revolutions. 23-34. is a short collection of sayings, with the heading, 'These also are sayings of the wise.'... [ Continue Reading ]

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