The rod of the wicked] RV 'the sceptre of wickedness,' i.e. heathen dominion shall be broken off lest in despair the righteous be tempted to turn aside to sinful practices. 5. Those who hesitate between serving Jehovah and worldliness will be swept away with heathen idolaters.

These Pss. are similar in thought, style, and language. Each bears the heading A Song of degrees, RV 'A Song of Ascents.' Scholars now agree for the most part in interpreting this title 'A Song of Pilgrimages' (lit. 'goings up'), as indicating the use of these Pss. for pilgrims on their annual journeys to keep the various feasts at Jerusalem. Others explain the 'Ascent' as referring to the return of the exiles from Babylon. This section had doubtless been a separate Psalter with this title, 'Songs of Pilgrimages,' affixed. When these Pss. became a part of the greater collection 90-150, the title was affixed to each Ps. separately. There is also an indication in these titles that the Pss. are specially intended for vocal music. Exquisitely beautiful they are, well fitted for pilgrim songs, either for the Jew to Jerusalem, or for the Christian to that heavenly Zion whose builder and maker is God: see Intro.

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