Psalms 126:1

TURNED AGAIN THE CAPTIVITY OF ZION] either, brought back the exiles who returned to Zion, or, turned again the fortunes of Zion, i.e. perhaps, set her free from foreign yoke.... [ Continue Reading ]

Psalms 126:4

TURN AGAIN OUR CAPTIVITY] perhaps, 'bring back the exiles.' AS THE STREAMS IN THE SOUTH] i.e. like the hill streams in the arid S. land of Judah (the Negeb), dry for a time in summer but becoming suddenly swollen torrents in the rains of autumn. 5. A proverb—sow in tears, reap with ringing cries. T... [ Continue Reading ]

Psalms 126:6

WEEPETH] suggestive of the patient labour of the sower. BEARING PRECIOUS SEED] better, 'bearing a measure of seed.' The sower carried the seed in a cloth tied to his body—this cloth full is a 'measure.'... [ Continue Reading ]

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