Psalms 17:1-15

The Psalmist makes his appeal to the justice of God (Psalms 17:1), and supports his prayer by an assertion of his conscious innocence (Psalms 17:3) and an account of the eager cruelty of his enemies (Psalms 17:9). The concluding thought, that true satisfaction is found in God alone (Psalms 17:14), r... [ Continue Reading ]

Psalms 17:2

MY SENTENCE] my judgment, in the favourable sense of 'vindication.' LET THINE EYES, etc.] better, 'thine eyes look upon equity,' a confident assertion of God's justice.... [ Continue Reading ]

Psalms 17:3

PROVED] tested. IN THE NIGHT] when man is alone with God, and conscience shows things in their true character. SHALT FIND, etc.] RM 'findest no evil purpose in me.'... [ Continue Reading ]

Psalms 17:8

THE APPLE OF THE EYE] The pupil of the eye, a specially important and delicate organ, with peculiarly sensitive arrangements for its protection: see Deuteronomy 32:10. UNDER THE SHADOW OF THY WINGS] as a mother-bird shelters her young.... [ Continue Reading ]

Psalms 17:14

FROM MEN _which are,_ etc.] RV 'from men by thy hand.' FROM MEN OF THE WORLD, etc.] RM 'from men whose portion in life is of the world,' whose ideal is animal gratification, a numerous offspring, and wealth to leave behind them. FULL OF CHILDREN] RV 'satisfied with children.'... [ Continue Reading ]

Psalms 17:15

The Psalmist's satisfaction, present and future, lies in the fellowship of God. WHEN I AWAKE] either 'after each night's rest,' or 'after the night of trouble is past.' The thought of life after death may not have been clearly in the writer's mind, but his conviction and experience that true life is... [ Continue Reading ]

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