The Ps. has two sections, in the first of which (Psalms 22:1) the
writer earnestly seeks God's help in a time of extreme trouble, while
in the second (Psalms 22:22) he breaks into a song of thanksgiving and
praise. The trouble is caused by strong and relentless enemies who
scorn his trust in God, an... [ Continue Reading ]
The opening words (in the Aramaic form) were quoted by our Lord on the
Cross (Matthew 27:46). It has been supposed that He repeated the whole
Ps., and that the remainder was drowned in the tumult and jeers of the
mob.... [ Continue Reading ]
AND AM NOT SILENT] RM 'but find no rest.'... [ Continue Reading ]
THE PRAISES OF ISRAEL] which have deservedly surrounded God in the
past, and which He will not cease to deserve by ceasing to deliver His
people. The thought is expanded in Psalms 22:4; Psalms 22:5.... [ Continue Reading ]
This v. describes the Psalmist's humiliation in terms similar to those
used of the suffering Servant of the Lord in Isaiah (Isaiah 41:14;
Isaiah 49:7; Isaiah 52:14; Isaiah 53:2).... [ Continue Reading ]
SHOOT OUT THE LIP.. SHAKE THE HEAD] gestures of contempt and hatred.... [ Continue Reading ]
These very words were used by the priests in mockery of our Lord as He
hung on the Cross (Matthew 27:43).... [ Continue Reading ]
BULLS.. STRONG _bulls_ OF BASHAN] suggesting the strength and
aggressive rage of the Psalmist's enemies. Bashan was the N. part of
the region E. of the Jordan, and was a rich pasture land.... [ Continue Reading ]
The parching effects of a fever supply another metaphor for the
Psalmist's trouble.... [ Continue Reading ]
DOGS] which haunt Eastern towns and villages in savage and cowardly
packs—fit emblems of the Psalmist's fierce and yet contemptible
foes. THEY PIERCED MY HANDS AND MY FEET] The reference is still to the
dogs, who snap at the exposed parts of those whom they attack. The
singular coincidence between t... [ Continue Reading ]
The conduct of his enemies is that of robbers. The application of this
v. in John 19:24 is well known.... [ Continue Reading ]
MY DARLING] RM 'my only one,' my precious life. FROM.. THE DOG] cp.
John 19:16.... [ Continue Reading ]
THOU HAST HEARD ME] a sudden conviction of faith which gives a new
tone to the rest of the PS. UNICORNS] RV 'wild-oxen.' In this and the
preceding v. the figures of John 19:12; John 19:16 (bulls, lions,
dogs) are repeated.... [ Continue Reading ]
These words are put into the mouth of Christ in Hebrews 2:12.... [ Continue Reading ]
THE MEEK] the afflicted righteous, like the 'poor' and the 'humble.'
EAT AND BE SATISFIED] in the meal which accompanies their sacrifice
(Leviticus 7:16), or to which they may be invited by the Psalmist when
he presents his thankoffering.
YOUR HEART SHALL LIVE] RV 'let your heart live,' the writer'... [ Continue Reading ]
_They that be_ FAT, etc.] RV 'the fat ones of the earth,' the
mightiest rulers. EAT AND WORSHIP] join in the sacrificial feast. Or
perhaps the words mean 'shall worship Him alone.' THEY THAT GO DOWN TO
THE DUST] all mortal men, perhaps specially referring to the kings of
the earth with their transie... [ Continue Reading ]
IT SHALL BE ACCOUNTED, etc.] RV 'It shall be told of the Lord unto the
_next_ generation.'... [ Continue Reading ]