Verse Psalms 51:10. _CREATE IN ME A CLEAN HEART_] _Mending_ will not
avail; my heart is altogether corrupted; it must be _new made_, made
as it was in the beginning. This is exactly the sentiment of...
CREATE IN ME A CLEAN HEART, O GOD - The word rendered “create,”
ברא _b__e__râ'_ - is a word which is properly employed to denote
an act of “creation;” that is, of causing something to exist where
Psalms 51
The Confession
_ 1. Conviction and prayer for forgiveness (Psalms 51:1)_
2. Prayer for cleansing and restoration (Psalms 51:9)
3. Blood guiltiness acknowledged ...
Psalms 51:1. Prayer for pardon and inward renewal.
Psalms 51:13. A promise to proclaim God's mercy and bring sinners back
to Him.
Psalms 51:18 f. Prayer for the restoration
CREATE. Hebrew. _bara'_, as in Genesis 1:1. The new heart is not the
old one changed, but newly created: i.e. "begotten" by God, as in John
RIGHT. steadfast. Compare Psalms 78:37;...
Repeated prayer for pardon, cleansing, and renewal. The change from
the future to the imperative (see above) indicates that a fresh
division of the Ps. begins here....
_Create in me_ Rather, Create me, i.e. for me. The word is used of the
creative operation of God, bringing into being what did not exist
before: and so in the parallel line _renew_should be rather mak...
Psalms 51:10. _Create in me a clean heart, O God, and renew a right
spirit within me._
PARDON and peace are the first blessings which a penitent will seek.
CREATE IN ME A CLEAN HEART— _A clean heart,_ is a heart free from
those impure and disordered passions of which David had too fatally
felt the effects, and in possession and under the influence of tho...
The Prayer of a Penitent.
Stanza I, Psalms 51:1-4., Petitions for Pardon and Cleansing sustained
by Confessions, Condemning Self and Vindicating God. Stanza II....
-Prayer for the Spirit fittingly follows his prayers for purification,
complete forgiveness, and the joy of assurance. For the...
51:10 steadfast (c-12) Or 'right.'...
PSALMS 42:72
Words in boxes are from the Bible.
Words marked with a *star are described in the word list at the end.
The translated Bible text has yet to go through Advanced Che...
RIGHT SPIRIT. — So LXX. and Vulg.; but the _constant_ of the margin
is nearer the Hebrew, and better....
_[Psalms 51:12]_ לֵ֣ב טָ֭הֹור בְּרָא ־לִ֣י
Psalms 51:1
THE main grounds on which the Davidic authorship of this psalm is
denied are four. First, it is alleged that its conceptions of sin and
penitence are in advance of his stage of religious d...
Psalms 51:1
This psalm is a ladder which climbs from the horrible pit, with its
miry clay, into the heights of sunny joy, where the song breaks from
the forgiven peni...
This is the first of a number of psalms (eighteen) to which titles are
prefaced which connect them with David, eight out of the number having
historic references. There is a remarkable fitness in ever...
(i) Create in me a clean heart, O God; and renew a right spirit within
(i) He confesses that when God's Spirit is cold in us, to have it
again revived, is as a new creation....
_Fruitful. David foretells his own prosperity on the throne,
(Worthington) when this wretch shall be no more. (Haydock) --- He was
at this time in great perplexity, (Calmet) in banishment from the
Pardon alone, without the renewings of the Holy Ghost, will not
complete the mercy. Hence, David prays not only to be cleansed, but to
be renewed, to be strengthened by the Holy Ghost against any futu...
‘Create in me a clean heart, O God; and renew a right spirit within
Psalms 51:10
Three things must happen before anything can be created. The Spirit of
God must move upon the f...
10_Create in me a clean heart, O God! _In the previous part of the
psalm David has been praying for pardon. He now requests that the
grace of the Spirit, which he had forfeited, or deserved to have
Psalms 51 is the true remnant's confession. They have fully entered
into the mind of God (see Psalms 51:16). There is true and complete
humiliation for sin before God, yet confidence in Him. He is loo...
CREATE IN ME A CLEAN HEART, O GOD,.... Which was now defiled with sin,
and of which being convinced, he was led more and more to see the
impurity of his heart and nature, from which all his evil actio...
Create in me a clean heart, O God; and renew a right spirit within me.
Ver. 10. _Create in me a clean heart, O God_] His heart was woefully
soiled with the filth of sin and the work of grace interrup...
_Hide thy face from my sins_ Do not look upon them with an eye of
indignation and wrath, but forgive and forget them. _Create in me a
clean heart_ Seeing I have not only defiled myself by these actual...
Create in me a clean heart, O God, the believer's heart having been
created anew in conversion, AND RENEW A RIGHT SPIRIT WITHIN ME,
establishing his heart and soul so that he was sure of his salvation...
Or, a constant spirit...
7-15 Purge me with hyssop, with the blood of Christ applied to my
soul by a lively faith, as the water of purification was sprinkled
with a bunch of hyssop. The blood of Christ is called the blood of...
CREATE IN ME A CLEAN HEART; seeing I have not only defiled myself by
these actual sins, but also have a most filthy heart, corrupted even
from my birth, PSALMS 51:5, which nothing but God's almighty a...
Psalms 51:10 Create H1254 (H8798) clean H2889 heart H3820 God H430
renew H2318 (H8761) steadfast H3559 ...
Genuine repentance seeks not only forgiveness, but transformation of
life. It is no good asking for forgiveness if we intend to do it
again. So David wanted...
Psalms 51
David, in the opening of this Psalm, appeals for mercy. No penitent
man ever approached God on the side of His justice. The Pharisee,
indeed, appeals to righteousness; but the publican appe...
Psalms 51:10
Three things must happen before anything can be created. The Spirit of
God must move upon the face of it, the word of God must speak to it,
and the blood of Christ must wash it.
I. If yo...
Psalms 51:10
I. Here is a remarkable outline of a holy character. Of these three
gifts "a right spirit," "Thy Holy Spirit," a "free spirit" the central
one alone is in the original spoken of as God's,...
There are many sweet notes in Christian music, but to my own heart
there is none so softly, tenderly, sweet as the note of repentance.
Full assurance rings out her clarion trumpet strain, and we ought...
There are seven penitential Psalms, but this seems to be the chief one
of the seven. The language of David is as suitable to us today as it
was to him, and though much was lost to the cause of righteo...
We will first read Psalms 51:1 : If we need any music to this Psalm,
we must have the liquid melody of tears, sighs, cries, entreaties. It
is above all the others, the penitential Psalm. It is the Psa...
This Psalm is dedicated to the chief musician, so that it was intended
to be sung. Yet it is not by any means a joyous piece of music. It
seems more fit to be sung or sighed as a solo for the solitary...
Psalms 51:1. _Have mercy upon me, O God, according to thy
lovingkindness according unto the multitude of thy tender mercies blot
out my transgressions._
There may be some people who think themselves...
Psalms 51:1. Have mercy upon me, O God, according to thy
loving-kindness: according unto the multitude of thy tender mercies
blot out my transgressions. Wash me thoroughly from mine iniquity, and
A psalm of David, when Nathan the prophet came to him, and rebuked
him, in the name of God, for his great sin with Bathsheba.
Psalms 51:1. _Have mercy upon me, O God, according to thy
May God graciously grant to all of us the grace which shall enable us
to enter into the penitential spirit which is so remarkable in this
Psalms 51:1. _Have mercy upon me, O God,_
He breaks t...
It is a Psalm, and therefore it is to be sung. It is dedicated to the
chief Musician, and there is music in it, but it needs a trained ear
to catch the harmony. The sinner with a broken heart will und...
Let us read two Psalms of penitence. Repentance, and faith go hand in
hand all the way to heaven. Repenting and believing make up a large
measure of the Christian life. First, let us read the 51 st Ps...
CONTENTS: The penitential prayer of David.
CONCLUSION: All the believer's wrong doing comes to a climax at the
foot of the throne, being violation of God's law. While the pena...
The title of this psalm, supported by the whole weight of rabbinical
authority, and by the LXX, refers it to the repentance and recovery of
David, “when Nathan the prophet came unto him, after he had...
_Create in me a clean heart, O God; and renew a right spirit within
I. The blessing asked for. It may refer to two distinct graces,
conversion or entire sanctification. For when a...
_Hide Thy face from my sins, and blot out all my iniquities._
This psalm is made up partly of confessions and acknowledgments of his
great crimes, partly of petitions and suppli...
_Make me to hear of joy and gladness, that the bones which Thou hast
broken may rejoice._
This is the language of David at a period of trouble. His soul was
depressed. He...
_Have mercy upon me, O God, according to Thy lovingkindness._
A darker guilt you will scarcely find--kingly power abused--worst
passions yielded to. Yet this psalm breathes from...
PSALM PSALM—NOTE ON PSALMS 51:1. This is probably the best known of
the “Penitential Psalms” (Psalms 6:1;...
PSALM—NOTE ON PSALMS 51:6 One who is repentant craves a fresh sense
of God’s presence (vv. Psalms 51:8, Psalms 51:11),
THE superscription informs us both as to the author of the psalm, and
the occasion of its composition. “To the Chief Musician, a Psalm of
David, when Nathan the prophet came unto him, aft...
THIS is the first of a series of fifteen psalms assigned by their
titles to David, and mostly attached to special circumstances in his
life, which are said to have furnished the occasions f...
Shall we turn now in our Bibles to Psalms 51:1-19.
David is surely one of the most outstanding characters of the Old
Testament. He was greatly hated and greatly loved. He had the capacity
to inspire t...
1 Corinthians 15:58; 1 Kings 15:3; 1 Peter 1:22; 2 Corinthians 5:17;...
Psalms 51:1
We will set forth, by way of introduction, the story of David's sin
and of how he was reproved by Nathan, the Prophet. We may also
emphasize how D...
Create — Work in me an holy frame of heart, whereby my inward filth
may be purged away. Right — Heb. firm or constant, that my
resolution may be fixed and unmoveable. Spirit — Temper or
disposition of...