Psalms 89:1-52

We have here another national and historical Ps., written when the Jewish kingdom and its king had fallen very low before their enemies, contrasting the promises made to David with their seeming lack of fulfilment in the course of events, and appealing to God to vindicate His faithfulness. Psalms 89... [ Continue Reading ]

Psalms 89:18

RV 'For our shield belongeth unto the Lord; and our king to the Holy One of Israel.' The 'shield' is the same as the 'king,' who is under God's protecting care.... [ Continue Reading ]

Psalms 89:19

IN VISION] 2 SAMUEL 7:17. THY HOLY ONE] RV 'thy saints,' the nation of Israel. I HAVE LAID HELP, etc.] I have given a brave man My aid to defend Israel. 19-37 are a poetical expansion of 2 Samuel 7:8.... [ Continue Reading ]

Psalms 89:27

_My_ FIRSTBORN] The position formerly given to the nation (Exodus 4:22) is here assigned to its king. 30F. The promises of the past are recalled in view of the sad present. Israel had suffered for his sins. Should he not be restored?... [ Continue Reading ]

Psalms 89:37

AND _as_ THE FAITHFUL WITNESS, etc.] The meaning is uncertain. The 'faithful witness' may be the moon, or we may read, 'and the witness in the sky (God) is faithful.'... [ Continue Reading ]

Psalms 89:38

ABHORRED] RV 'rejected.' THINEANOINTED] Israel's king. A particular individual, probably Jehoiachin, seems to be in view in this and the following vv., though they may also be understood of the nation as a whole.... [ Continue Reading ]

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