This is a Ps. of praise, called forth by some special manifestation of God's loving-kindness. This general theme is set forth in Psalms 92:1; Psalms 92:5 contain reflections on the meaning of God's works, a meaning which is hidden from the foolish (Psalms 92:6). The wicked seem to flourish only that they may be destroyed (Psalms 92:7). God is supreme, and His enemies must perish (Psalms 92:8). This has been proved in the experience of the Psalmist, or of the nation for which he speaks (Psalms 92:10). Psalms 92:12 describe the abiding prosperity and blessedness of the righteous. The Ps. contains no definite indication of date, but it may most probably be taken as a song of the return from exile.

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