Revelation 12:1-17

THE WOMAN AND THE MAN-CHILD. THE DRAGON The persecution which the Church had already suffered, and which was about to burst forth again, is the great fact which underlies the whole 'Revelation.' The sufferings of the Church and its members have been referred to again and again, particularly in Revel... [ Continue Reading ]

Revelation 12:6

FEED] RV 'nourish.' 7-9. The Christians for whom St. John wrote were beginning to experience persecution: cp. Revelation 2:3; Revelation 2:10; Revelation 2:13; Revelation 3:4, note, 10. Yet their victory is assured. This is symbolically expressed under the figure of a war in heaven between good and... [ Continue Reading ]

Revelation 12:9

OUT] RV 'down.' SERPENT] cp. Genesis 3:1. SATAN] i.e. 'adversary' (Heb.), or 'devil' (_diabolos_, Gk.): cp. Job 1:6; Psalms 109:6; Zechariah 3:1. DECEIVETH] cp. John 8:44. 10-12. Satan being already potentially conquered, heaven celebrates in anticipation the victory which the persecuted saints wi... [ Continue Reading ]

Revelation 12:11

BY] RV 'because of' (twice). WORD OF, etc.] i.e. the word of Christ to which they testify. 13-17. The devil is not able to hurt a section of the Church, perhaps the Palestinian Church at Pella is meant, for God protects her. God's protection is described in terms of the deliverance of the exodus, w... [ Continue Reading ]

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