Revelation 14:1-20

THE LAMB AND HIS FOLLOWERS. JUDGMENT ON HIS ENEMIES In the last two Chapter s were seen the enemies of the Church, and their fierce power. Now, by way of contrast, and to encourage the Church to resist her enemies with complete certainty of victory, pictures are shown of the blessedness of those wh... [ Continue Reading ]

Revelation 14:4

_Being_] RV 'to be.' 6F. An angel announces the glad tidings for those who fear God, that He is about to be manifested for the salvation of His oppressed people.... [ Continue Reading ]

Revelation 14:8

The Fall of Babylon, i.e. Rome (see on Revelation 17:5; Revelation 18), is spoken of as if it had already taken place. RV 'Fallen, fallen is Babylon the great, which hath made,' etc.: cp. Isaiah 21:9; Daniel 4:30. THE WRATH OF HER FORNICATION] i.e. the wrath of God incurred by her unfaithfulness to... [ Continue Reading ]

Revelation 14:13

A VOICE] see on Revelation 1:10. 14-20. St. John sees one 'like unto a son of man' (RV). The expression is derived from Daniel 7:13, where it meant one in human form, as contrasted with the beasts. The title was interpreted of the Messiah, and the Jewish 'Book of Enoch' shows that under it the Messi... [ Continue Reading ]

Revelation 14:15

TEMPLE] cp. Revelation 11:19. CRYING.. TO HIM] i.e. the will of the Father is communicated to Christ. THRUST IN] RV 'send forth' (and Revelation 14:18). FOR THEE] RV omits. RIPE] RV 'overripe.' 16, 19. THRUST IN] RV 'cast.'... [ Continue Reading ]

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