For the testimony, etc.] probably a comment made by St. John. Spirit of prophecy] i.e. the inspiring force of all prophecy.

11-16. Before the fulfilment of the marriage, the Lamb's enemies must be overcome. Christ comes forth as a warrior (cp. Psalms 45:3.), riding the white horse of victory. His crowns show Him to be King of kings: cp. Revelation 19:16. He alone knows His name, i.e. He is greater than any one can say or understand: cp. Revelation 2:17; Revelation 3:12; Matthew 11:27. Yet, as coming forth from the Father, He is called the Word of God (cp. 1 John 1; 1 John 1); and when He conquers and rules the nations He is called King of kings and Lord of lords: cp. Revelation 17:14. His garments are sprinkled with blood, i.e. His enemies perish before Him: cp. Isaiah 63:1. (Revelation 19:11). The heavenly hosts of angels (cp. 1 Kings 22:19) follow Him, but no blood is on their garments, for He alone overcomes the enemies, cp. Revelation 19:21 (Revelation 19:14), which He does by the word of His mouth: cp. Revelation 1:16; Revelation 2:12; Isaiah 11:4; John 12:48; Hebrews 4:12, He treads God's enemies in the winepress of God's anger (a change of figure): cp. Revelation 14:19.; Isaiah 63:3; (Revelation 19:15).

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