He that hath, etc] cp. Christ's words, Matthew 11:15, etc. The Spirit] John was under the influence of the Spirit: cp. Matthew 1:10. Overcometh] i.e. continuously. The Christian life is a continual fight against sin and tribulation, and this book's purpose is to give heart to overcome.

To eat of, etc.] i.e. he shall have eternal life: cp. Revelation 22:2; Genesis 2:9. Paradise] a Persian word for 'garden,' used in LXX for the garden of Eden. The later Jews employed the word to denote various ideas of heavenly blessedness: cp. Luke 23:43; 2 Corinthians 12:4. Here it is equivalent to the New Jerusalem of Revelation 21 f.

8-11. To the Church in Smyrna Christ speaks as the Eternal, who tasted death, and whose death ended in life (Revelation 2:8). There is no blame for this Church. It is praised for its endurance of tribulation and poverty, and for its spiritual condition (Revelation 2:9). More persecution is to be expected, which may be borne without fear. After death for Christ, nothing but life will follow (Revelation 2:10.).

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