Revelation 22:1

CLEAR] RV 'bright.' If. AND OF THE LAMB. IN THE MIDST OF THE STREET.. RIVER] RV 'and of the Lamb, in the midst of the street thereof. And on this side of the river and on that.' 2. _Manner_] RM 'crops.'... [ Continue Reading ]

Revelation 22:1-21

THE VISION ENDED. THE LORD IS AT HAND The inner life of the heavenly Jerusalem is described. Then the 'Revelation' closes with the repeated assurance that Christ is at hand, and with the yearnings of the Church and of St. John for the joy of. His advent. 1-5. In the New Jerusalem, the blessed life... [ Continue Reading ]

Revelation 22:5

CANDLE] RV 'light of lamp.' 6-9. Affirmation of the truth of the vision which is now concluded, and of the near approach of that of which it tells (Revelation 22:6). St. John, knowing the angel has finished his task and is about to leave him, falls before him in worship, as in Revelation 19:10, but... [ Continue Reading ]

Revelation 22:6

THE LORD GOD OF THE HOLY PROPHETS] RV 'the Lord, the God of the spirits of the prophets': cp. 1 Corinthians 14:32. The meaning is that the words of the Christian prophets do not speak their own mind, but God's. 7. Christ's voice breaks in: cp. Revelation 16:15.... [ Continue Reading ]

Revelation 22:8

RV 'And I John am he that heard and saw these things.' 10-15. The vision is not to be sealed, as was Daniel's (cp. Daniel 12:4), because it is for immediate use (Revelation 22:10). Those who 'will not turn and repent because of the Revelation which Christ has now completed, will not, cannot have any... [ Continue Reading ]

Revelation 22:11

Cp. Ezekiel 3:27; Ezekiel 20:39; Daniel 12:10. UNJUST] RV 'unrighteous.' BE UNJUST] RV 'do unrighteousness.' BE FILTHY] RV 'be made filthy.' BE RIGHTEOUS] RV 'do righteousness.' BE HOLY] RV 'be made holy.' 12-15. Spoken by Christ: cp. Revelation 22:7; Revelation 16:15.... [ Continue Reading ]

Revelation 22:14

DO HIS COMMANDMENTS] RV 'wash their robes.' RIGHT] RV 'the right to come.' 16F. The Messiah attests the Revelation (Revelation 22:16). The Holy Spirit in the Church (cp. Romans 8:16), and the Church herself, hearing His voice, call for His advent, and, at the same time, invite all who will to take... [ Continue Reading ]

Revelation 22:16

THE ROOT, etc.] The reference is to the Messiahship of our Lord, as son of David, and as the 'star' of Balaam's prophecy: cp. Revelation 2:28; Revelation 5:5; Numbers 24:17; Isaiah 11:1; Isaiah 11:10; Matthew 1:1; Matthew 22:42.... [ Continue Reading ]

Revelation 22:17

BRIDE] see on Matthew 21:2. HEARETH] see on 18. ATHIRST] cp. Matthew 21:6. FREELY] cp. Isaiah 55:1. 18F. A warning that the book is not to be falsified by addition or excision: cp. Deuteronomy 4:2; Deuteronomy 12:32.... [ Continue Reading ]

Revelation 22:19

BOOK OF LIFE] RV 'tree of life.' AND _from_ THE THINGS] RV omits. 20F. Christ sums up the book by announcing His speedy advent, and St. John prays for it (Revelation 22:20). The book, and with it the Bible, closes in prayer for that in which all its blessings are contained, 'the grace,' i.e. the m... [ Continue Reading ]

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