Called to be saints] lit. 'summoned saints.' 'Saint' means 'consecrated to God': cp. Exodus 22:31. In this sense all Christians are saints: cp. 1 Peter 2:9.

8-15. The Apostle greatly desires to visit Rome.

Paraphrase. '(8) I thank God that your faith is so well known. (9) I constantly pray about you, (10) asking that God may permit me soon to visit you. (11) For I long to impart to you some spiritual benefit, (12) in fact that we may be mutually helped by each other's faith. (13) I have often planned a visit, although I have been prevented, for (14) all Gentiles, of whatever race, lie within the sphere of my duty. (15) Therefore, so far as the decision rests with me, I am eager to preach the gospel to you.'

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