St. Paul completes his exposition of acceptance by faith by pointing
to its blessed effects (Romans 5:1). In the following vv. he compares
sin and acceptance, as to which he has shown that all men have sinned,
while acceptance is open to all, and de... [ Continue Reading ]
THEREFORE] cp. Romans 4:24. JUSTIFIED] i.e. accepted. WE HAVE] RV 'let
us have.'... [ Continue Reading ]
WE HAVE ACCESS] RV 'we have had our access,' as into a king's palace:
cp. Galatians 5:4. REJOICE] RV 'let us rejoice.' GLORY] i.e. the
future and everlasting presence of God: see on Romans 3:23.... [ Continue Reading ]
WE GLORY, etc.] RV 'let us also rejoice in our tribulations': cp. Acts
14:22. WORKETH] i.e. brings about. PATIENCE] i.e. bearing up under
great trials without losing heart.... [ Continue Reading ]
EXPERIENCE] RV 'probation,' i.e. a test: here the character of one who
has come through the test of suffering strong and ready for all
things.... [ Continue Reading ]
MAKETH NOT ASHAMED] RV 'putteth not to shame,' i.e. by proving
mistaken. LOVE OF GOD] i.e. to us. IS GIVEN] RV 'was given,' i.e. at a
definite time: cp. Acts 10:44; Acts 19:2. St. Paul takes it for
granted that all Christians have had a definite gift of the Holy
Spirit, which followed their acceptan... [ Continue Reading ]
WITHOUT STRENGTH] RV 'weak,' i.e.morally. IN DUE TIME] i.e. when the
need was greatest.... [ Continue Reading ]
RIGHTEOUS] i.e. just, contrasted with the more lovable 'good man.'... [ Continue Reading ]
COMMENDETH] i.e. shows its excellence: cp. Romans 3:5.... [ Continue Reading ]
WRATH] RV 'the wrath of God': see on Romans 1:18.... [ Continue Reading ]
ENEMIES] i.e. opposing God's truth and will: cp. Romans 8:7;
Colossians 1:21. RECONCILED] cp. 2 Corinthians 5:18. SAVED BY HIS
LIFE] RM 'in his life,' i.e. saved from the power of sin now, and from
death and God's wrath hereafter, through our union with the life of
the risen Christ: cp. Romans 6:8.;... [ Continue Reading ]
JOY] RV 'rejoice,' referring to Romans 5:2. IN GOD] i.e. in His love
and fatherhood. NOW] i.e. under the gospel. ATONEMENT] i.e.
at-one-ment; RV 'reconciliation.'
12-14. Thus Christ is the head and representative of humanity, and we
derive acceptance and life from Christ, as the OT. shows that we
d... [ Continue Reading ]
WHEREFORE] refers to Romans 5:9. AS.. BY SIN] sentence broken off;
would continue, 'so by one man righteousness and life entered.'
BY ONE MAN] cp. 1 Corinthians 15:21.... [ Continue Reading ]
WAS IN THE WORLD] as proved by human history. NOT IMPUTED] i.e. as
guilty of wilful transgression of law: cp. 4.... [ Continue Reading ]
AFTER THE SIMILITUDE] RV 'likeness,' i.e. by consciously breaking law.
15-21. But our inheritance from Christ more than repairs the ruin of
the Fall.
PARAPHRASE. '(15) But the inheritances from Adam and from Christ
differ in degree and in kind. For if Adam's Fall was so powerful for
harm, God's fav... [ Continue Reading ]
OFFENCE] RV 'trespass.' The Gk. word means a 'fall.' FREE GIFT] i.e.
of acceptance.
ONE] RV 'the one,' i.e. Adam. MANY] RV 'the many,' i.e. mankind. BE
DEAD] RV 'died,' i.e. became liable to death through sin. GRACE] see
on Romans 1:5. BY GRACE, etc.] RV 'by the grace of the one man.'
ABOUNDED] i.e... [ Continue Reading ]
AS _it was_ BY ONE] RV 'as through one.' TO CONDEMNATION] i.e. leading
to condemnation. OFFENCES] RV 'trespasses.' UNTO JUSTIFICATION] i.e.
leading to a sentence of acquittal.... [ Continue Reading ]
BY ONE] RV 'through the one.'
ABUNDANCE] refers to 'abounded,' Romans 5:15.
RIGHTEOUSNESS] i.e. acceptance. REIGN] i.e. enjoy glory, and liberty
from sin and death.
LIFE] i.e. heavenly life.... [ Continue Reading ]
BY THE OFFENCE OF ONE] RV 'through one trespass.' TO CONDEMNATION]
i.e. leading to condemnation.
RIGHTEOUSNESS OF ONE] better, 'one sentence of acquittal,' passed by
God in consequence of Christ's obedience: cp. Romans 5:19. UNTO
JUSTIFICATION OF LIFE] i.e. leading to acceptance which results in
li... [ Continue Reading ]
ONE] RV 'the one.'
MANY] RV 'the many.' WERE MADE SINNERS] in the sense of Romans 5:12.
SHALL MANY BE MADE] i.e. as generation after generation arises.... [ Continue Reading ]
ENTERED] RV 'came in beside': cp. Galatians 3:19. OFFENCE] RV
'trespass,' i.e. Adam's. ABOUND] i.e. multiply: cp. Romans 3:20;
Romans 7:13.
MUCH MORE ABOUND] overpowering the sin.... [ Continue Reading ]
SIN, etc.] RV 'sin reigned in death,' i.e. sin had power which was
death-bringing: cp. Isaiah 32:1. UNTO.. LIFE] i.e. resulting in..
life.... [ Continue Reading ]
DEATH] i.e. physical. UPON] RV 'unto.' FOR THAT] i.e. because. HAVE
SINNED] RV 'sinned.'... [ Continue Reading ]