Joy] RV 'rejoice,' referring to Romans 5:2. In God] i.e. in His love and fatherhood. Now] i.e. under the gospel. Atonement] i.e. at-one-ment; RV 'reconciliation.'

12-14. Thus Christ is the head and representative of humanity, and we derive acceptance and life from Christ, as the OT. shows that we derive sin and death from Adam.

Paraphrase. '(12) Thus there are two heads, from whom the human race derives inheritance. From Adam all inherited a sinful tendency, which became active, so that all died. (13) When there is no law to be broken, there can be no guilt, yet even before the Law came, (14) death was universal, and those who had not broken any express command nevertheless died. Therefore sin and death are derived from Adam; and in this respect Christ, from whom, by union with Him, we derive righteousness and life, is Adam's counterpart.'

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