Romans 8:1-39

THE NEW LIFE IN CHEIST IN RELATION TO GOD AND THE SPIRIT It was shown in Romans 5:12. that condemnation for the _guilt_ of sin is done away by justification through faith in Christ. The question as to the _power_ of sin then arose, answered by the doctrine of sanctification in Romans 6-8. In Romans... [ Continue Reading ]

Romans 8:3

LIKENESS OF, etc.] Christ took real 'flesh,' i.e. human nature, cp. John 1:14, but without its sinfulness, cp. Hebrews 4:15. FOR SIN] RV 'as an offering for sin.' CONDEMNED SIN IN THE FLESH] (1) Christ proved, by a sinless human life, that sin is not necessary to human nature;(2) Christ made expiati... [ Continue Reading ]

Romans 8:5

THINGS OF THE FLESH] i.e. things merely human: cp. Matthew 16:23 merely earthly: cp. Mark 4:19; Philippians 3:19 or absolutely sinful: cp. Galatians 5:19.... [ Continue Reading ]

Romans 8:9

DWELL] cp. John 14:17. SPIRIT OF CHRIST] The Spirit of God is the Spirit of Christ, because He comes from the Son as well as from the Father. Also His Presence is in effect the Presence of Christ: cp. Romans 8:10 John 14:16.; Galatians 4:6. 12-17. Let us live in accordance with the high position wh... [ Continue Reading ]

Romans 8:13

SHALL DIE] RV 'must die,' i.e. spiritually. DEEDS OF THE BODY] i.e. so far as the body is not under the dominion of the spirit.... [ Continue Reading ]

Romans 8:14

SONS] cp. Romans 8:16, 'children.' 'Children' denotes 'community of nature,' 'sons' denotes 'dignity of heirship' (Westcott): cp. John 1:12; Galatians 3:24.; Galatians 4:1.; The privilege of sonship must be appropriated by faithful obedience to become actual.... [ Continue Reading ]

Romans 8:15

ADOPTION] cp. Galatians 4:5; Galatians 4:6. ABBA, FATHER] cp. Mark 14:36; Galatians 4:6. 'Abba' is an Aramaic word, meaning 'Father.' Probably Christ used it in the Lord's Prayer, and perhaps it came to be used as a divine name, 'Father Abba.'... [ Continue Reading ]

Romans 8:17

HEIRS] Under Roman law, 'a will that left the property away from the children was invalid' (Ramsay). IF SO BE, etc.] cp. 2 Timothy 2:11., and Mark 8:34; Colossians 1:24; 1 Peter 4:13. Christ is 'the Way'; the main features of His life must be reproduced in the lives of His people. 18-25. The glory... [ Continue Reading ]

Romans 8:18

IN US] RV 'to usward.' 19, 20, 21. CREATURE] RV 'creation,' i.e. the irrational creation: cp. Genesis 3:17. St. Paul represents nature poetically, as feeling that dissatisfaction with its pain and failure which exists in man's mind. There was a general expectation among the Jews, based on such passa... [ Continue Reading ]

Romans 8:20

VANITY] i.e. transitoriness, frustration: cp. Sir 11:2. HIM] i.e. God: cp. Genesis 3:17; 20, 21. HATH SUBJECTED, etc.] RV 'subjected it, in hope that the creation,' etc.... [ Continue Reading ]

Romans 8:24

WE ARE SAVED] RV 'by hope were we saved'; better, 'in hope,' etc.: see on Romans 1:16. HOPE THAT IS SEEN] here 'hope' means that which is hoped for. FOR WHAT, etc.] RV 'for who hopeth for that which he seeth?'... [ Continue Reading ]

Romans 8:25

PATIENCE] i.e. patient endurance. 26-30. While the Christian endures his sufferings in hope, the Spirit within is praying for him, better than he can pray himself (Romans 8:26). Meanwhile he knows that his sufferings are helping to bring about that great and good purpose, in fulfilment of which God... [ Continue Reading ]

Romans 8:26

INFIRMITIES] RV 'infirmity,' i.e. 'our ignorance in asking.' WHAT.. FOR] RV 'how we should pray': cp. Philippians 1:22.; ITSELF] RV 'himself'; spoken of as a Person and distinct from the Father.... [ Continue Reading ]

Romans 8:28

CALLED] see on Romans 1:6. ACCORDING TO HIS PURPOSE] cp. Romans 9:11. St. Paul does not say that Gods purpose is to save some and reject others, but 'that he might have mercy upon all' (Romans 11:32). In pursuance of this purpose first the Jews, and then Christians, specially Gentile Christians, wer... [ Continue Reading ]

Romans 8:29

FOREKNOW] For paraphrase cp. Psalms 1:6; Amos 3:2; Matthew 7:23. DID PREDESTINATE] RV 'foreordained': cp. Acts 4:28; 1 Corinthians 2:7; Ephesians 1:5; Ephesians 1:11. CONFORMED] i.e. in essential type: cp. Philippians 2:6; IMAGE] cp.... [ Continue Reading ]

Romans 8:30

DID PREDESTINATE] RV 'foreordained.' GLORIFIED] That which to us is future, is already complete in God's mind: cp. Ephesians 2:4. 31-39. Since the Christian is the object of the divine love and work spoken of in the last section, he need fear no evil. PARAPHRASE. '(31) We may, therefore, face the... [ Continue Reading ]

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